Annie's "2008 Holidays By Date" Page

Where we can celebrate together...
Annie's Holiday Pages are written from a Christian Perspective!

"They will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness."
~Psalm 145:7~

"This is the day which the LORD hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
~Psalms 118:24~

Please wait while the table loads below!
Doing the dates so far ahead I may have made a mistake
or two, so if I did please let me know!! Thanks!

For a Listing of All my Holiday Pages:
Annies's List of Holiday Pages
Annie's 2010 Holiday Page

If you are looking for even more holidays you can check the monthly holiday pages linked on this page.
Also I have different holidays on the monthly page and also the calendar pages.

January - May

January Holidays:
1st -
New Year's Day
1st -
Kwanzaa Ends - Dec 26th thru
Jan 1st
6th -
7th - Orthodox
20th - American
Inauguration Day -is
always on the 20th day of January
every 4 years
21st -
Martin Luther King Jr Day - always the third Monday
in January
22nd -
Tu B'Shvat*
22nd - Full Moon
26th -
Australia Day Page

February Holidays:
1st -
Be An Encourager Day card link
2nd -
Groundhog Day
2nd -
3rd -
Super Bowl Sunday! Usually the last Sunday in January!
5th -
Mardi Gras - Tue before
Ash Wednesday
6th -
Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday
6th -
Ash Wednesday - 7th Wed
preceding Easter
7th -
Chinese New Year
8th -
Boy Scout Day - card link
12th - Lincoln's Birthday
14th -
Valentine's Day
18th -
President's Day - 3rd Monday
in February
21st - Full Moon
22nd - Washington's Birthday
22nd -
World Thinking Day
24th - Flag Day (Mexico)
28th -
Floral Design Day
29th - This is a Leap Year!
February is
Black History Month
International Friendship Month

March Holidays:
1st -
Fast of Esther*-another site
2nd -
Mothering Sunday in the UK
is the 4th Sunday of Lent
7th -
World Day of Prayer: Observed
the first Friday of March
7th -
International Women's Day
9th -
Daylight Saving Time NEW
DAY - which is the 2nd Sunday
9th - 15th -
Girl Scout Week
(the week that includes March 12)
Here is the official
Girl Scout Site!
12th -
Girl Scout Day - official site
13th - Commonwealth Day in
Australia, Canada, New Zealand
and United Kingdom
16th -
Palm Sunday
17th -
St. Patrick's Day
19th - St. Joseph's Day (Spain)
20th - First Day of
20th -
Maundy Thursday
21st - Full Moon
21st -
21st -
Good Friday
23rd -
Easter visit here for an explanation of The Date of Easter
24th -
Easter Monday in Canada
30th - Canberra Day in Australia
March is
Women's History Month

April Holidays:
1st -
April Fools Day
3rd -
Find A Rainbow Day
5th -
Rosh Codesh - another site
20th - Pesach/
Passover*-April 20th-27th, 2008
22nd -
Earth Day - 22nd day of April
23rd -
Professional Secretaries Day -
Wed of the last full week in April
Also Administrative Prof's Day
23rd -
Professional Secretaries Day -
Wed of the last full week in April
Also Administrative Prof's Day
25th -
Arbor Day - Last Fri in April
25th - Orthodox Good Friday
27th - Orthodox
Easter visit here for
a page with dates for
Orthodox Easter
30th -
Queen's Day in The
29th -
Ascension Day

May Holidays:
1st -
May Day
1st -
National Day of Prayer - 1st
Thursday in May
2nd -
Yom Hashoah* - Holocaust
Remembrance Day
5th -
Cinco de Mayo
6th -
National Teacher Day - first
Tuesday in the first full week of May
6th -
National Nurses Day
7th - Yom Hazikaron* - Israel's
Memorial Day
8th -
Yom Ha'Atzmaut* - Israel's
Independence Day
8th -
Rosh Chodesh Sivan another site
8th -
VE Day - card link
9th is
11th -
Mother's Day - 2nd Sun in May
17th -
Armed Forces Day
18th -
Stepmother's Day
19th -
Victoria Day - First Mon
preceding May 25th
23rd -
Lag B'Omer - another site
25th -
Mother's Day in Sweden is
the last Sunday in May
26th -
Memorial Day (observed) -Last
Mon in May
Space Weather Week is 1st week of

"This is the day which the LORD
hath made; we will rejoice
and be glad in it."
~Psalms 118:24~

June - December

June Holidays:
1st -
Hurricane Season Begins
1st -
Yom Yerushalayim* - Jerusalem
Day - another site
1st - First Day of Winter in
Australia and New Zealand
4th - Queen's Birthday (Canada)
5th -
National Gingerbread Day
6th -
D-Day - card link
7th -
Corpus Christi (Spain)
9th -
10th -
Iced Tea Day
Visit my:
Tea Time Page
14th -
Flag Day
15th -
Father's Day - 3rd Sun in Jun
19th -
Juneteenth - card link
21st - First Day of

July Holidays:
1st - Canada Day (Observed)
4th -
Independence Day - Friday
20th -
Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
14th - Bastille Day
23rd - Parents Day - 4th Sunday in July

August Holidays:
5th -
Friendship Day - First Sunday
in August
6th - Hiroshima Day - WWII
A-Bomb used 1945
8th - Summer Olympics begin August 8th
and continue to the 24th in Beijing,China
10th - *Tisha B'Av or
Av 9
11th -
Chinese Valentine's Day - card link
15th - Assumption Day
19th - National Aviation Day

September Holidays:
3rd -
Father's Day in Australia
1st - U.S. and Canadian
Labor Day - 1st Mon in Sept
8th -
7th - National
Grandparent's Day - 1st Sun after Labor Day
11th - Patriot Day
11th -
Remembering the Pain of September 11th!
16th -
National Step Family Day
16th - Women's
Friendship Day
17th - Citizenship Day
22nd - First Day of
30th -
Rosh Hashanah*
National Hispanic Heritage Month
is Sep 15th thru Oct 15th

October Holidays:
9th -
Yom Kippur*
12th - National Children's Day - 2nd
Sun in October
12th -
Clergy Appreciation Day - is
the second Sunday in October

13th -
Columbus Day Observed - 2nd
Mon in October
13th -
Canadian Thanksgiving - 2nd
Mon in October
16th - National Boss Day
14th - 20th -
18th - Sweetest Day - 3rd Sat in October
21st -
Shemini Atzeret - other site
22nd -
Simchat Torah
24th - United Nations Day
26th -
Mother-in-Law Day - 4th
Sun in October
31st -
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

November Holidays:
1st - All Saint's Day
2nd - All Soul's Day
2nd -
Daylight Saving Time Ends -
NEW DATE - 1st Sunday of November
4th - Presidential
Election Day - 1st
Tue after 1st Mon in Nov
11th -
Remembrance Day (Canada)
11th - Armistice Day
11th -
Veteran's Day
27th -
Thanksgiving in US 4th Thu
in November
30th -
Advent Begins - Advent is the Sunday
closest to November 30th

December Holidays:
7th - Pearl Harbor Day
21st - First Day of
21st -
Hanukkah* Begins
24th -
Christmas Eve
25th -
26th -
Boxing Day (Canada)
26th -
Kwanzaa Begins - Dec 26th
thru Jan 1st
31st -
New Year's Eve

* The observance of all Jewish
begins at Sundown on
the preceding evening and ends
at sundown on the days listed.

To see all the current & upcoming
holidays visit:
Annie's Holiday Page
For all my Monthly Pages visit:
Annie's "Verse A Day" Page

Other Calendar Related Sites:
2003 Year Calendar by Months
Year 2004
Jewish Yearly Calendar from
Jewish Holiday Dates from Aish
Debi's Calendar 2002 - 2004
US Holidays
Time & Date 2005 Calendars
SOURCE new Jewish Holidays
Calendars for the Twentieth Century

Annie's Related Pages:
Annie's 2006 Holidays By Date Page
Annie's 2007 Holidays By Date Page
Annie's "Jewish Calendar Dates for 5766" Page

For a Listing of All my Holiday Pages:
Annies's List of Holiday Pages

Here is the page I am working on now:
Annie's 2009 Holidays By Date Page

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Annie's Holiday Page

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