Annie's Simchat
23 - October 11th, 2009
~It actually Begins at sunset the night before~
Torah, pronounced sihm KHAHT toh
RAH, is a Jewish festival of rejoicing in the
Torah, or Law. Simchat Torah marks the end of the annual cycle of
readings from the
Torah that take place in the synagogue every Saturday morning.
The cycle begins again on
the first Saturday after Simchat Torah. The festival falls on the
23rd day of the Hebrew
month of Tishri. Tishri usually occurs in September and October.
Jews in Israel and
Reform Jews observe the festival on the 22nd day of Tishri.
is a harvest festival that begins five days after Yom Kippur.
Jews build small huts
for Sukkot as a reminder of the huts the Israelites lived in
during their wandering in the
wilderness. On the last day of this festival, called Simhat
Torah, Jews celebrate the
completion of the yearly reading of the Torah. Following Sukkot
is a supplementary
two-day celebration called Shemini Atzeret, the second day of
which is called Simhat
Torah. ~Above Information from The World Book Encyclopedia~
wonderful it would be to have a day for Christians that is
similar to Simchat Torah.
To celebrate the Word of God that we are blessed and privileged
to own and read.
Unfortunately not many Christians even read their own Bible. Some
people have about 5-6
different Bibles in their home unused while Christians in many
countries can't afford to
buy one. The Lord has given us an amazing treasure and a road map
in the scriptures. You
can't find that treasure unless you are reading the Bible daily.
Choose today to start
reading the Bible Daily. For online Bibles and study tools visit:
Annie's Bible Study
Resources Page
Customs of Simchat Torah
Jewish Community Online -
Simchat Torah
Judaism 101 - Shemini
Atzeret and Simkhat Torah
Noble Web - Simchat Torah
Atzeret is October 10th, 2009
Simchat Torah is October 11th, 2009
Pages by Annie:
To learn more about the Biblical Feasts visit:
Annie's Feasts of the Bible Page & Annie's List of Feasts of the Bible
Annie's "Why do you
have pages about Jewish Feasts?" Page
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