Annie's "Cinco de Mayo" Page

~Celebrated each year on May 5th~

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Cinco de Mayo, pronounced SEENG koh duh MAH yoh, is a holiday
celebrated on May 5 by Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Its
name is Spanish for Fifth of May.

Here is what The World Book Encyclopedia
says about Cinco de Mayo:

"Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of a Mexican army over a French army at
the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The Mexican army, led by General Ignacio
Zaragoza, won the battle even though the French force was better armed and three
times as large. The battle occurred after Emperor Napoleon III of France sent troops
to Mexico to conquer the country. Despite the Mexican victory at Puebla, the French
later gained control of Mexico City and established a French-supported government
there. In 1866 and 1867, however, France withdrew its troops from Mexico because
of resistance by many Mexicans and pressure from the United States.
The French-backed government soon fell. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated differently
in different areas. For example, in Mexico, it may be observed with parades,
festivals, music, and dancing. In the United States, celebrations often include
parades, folk dancing, speeches, carnival rides, and Mexican music."

Cinco de Mayo Related Craft & Activities Links:
Mexican Paper Flowers
Holidays around the World Word Search
May Fun Search
Cinco De Mayo Recipes
Casa Fiesta has losts of Recipes to Enjoy!
Cinco de Mayo Songs and Fingerplays
Cinco de Mayo Arts and Craft Ideas
Cinco de Mayo Activities from KinderArt
Clip art links to Cinco de Mayo graphics and animations
PAPER BAG PINATA from for Kids
Mexican-SouthWest Graphics Set from Lisa's Original Country Clipart Graphics

Mexico Links:
Mexico's National Anthem
Mexico's Flag
Map of Mexico
Fiestas Calendar
Countries Around the World --
Mexico Page
Label a map of Mexico - Kid's Activity
Mexico- Geography Lesson

Cinco de Mayo Page Links:
Cinco de Mayo from There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays
Cinco De Mayo from
Cinco De Mayo Here - click on "Feature of the Month" & won't be up until month of May
Cinco de Mayo History Page
Cinco de Mayo WebQuest Includes a Fiesta!
Cinco de Mayo in Mexico

Email Cards:

Cinco de Mayo Cards are now Available!!!
These are Free ECards from
Annie's Card Shop!

Some of Annie's Pages are Also Available in Spanish:
Spanish/Español or Las Páginas en Español de Annie

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I thank the Lord for graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
Some Graphics from
Original Country Clipart by Lisa & Comet Creations.
Silent No Right Click Script from Dynamic Drive.
For Instructions on how to add the no right click script visit:
Annie's "How to Add Silent No Right Click Script" Page.
South West Graphics are from Original Country Clipart by Lisa!
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