"Palm Sunday" Page
the Sunday before Easter~
~Sunday April 17th, 2011~
"Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet
him, and cried, Hosanna:
Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the
~John 12:13~
Let's read the story from the Bible:
is what the Bible tells us Luke 19:28-44
Symbolic of Victory:
this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could
number, of all
nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the
throne, and before the
Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;"
~Revelation 7:9~
What does the Bible say:
I did a search
for "PALMS" in the Bible and found
that there are
10 verses with that word in it. Only
2 were relating to the "palm leaves".
When I did "PALM" there were 39 verses.
Nave's Topical Bible says this about Palm tree.
Palm tree
Easton's Bible Dictionary says this about the Palm
Palm tree
(Heb. tamar), the date-palm characteristic of Palestine. It is
described as "flourishing" (Psalms 92:12), tall
(Psalm 7:7), "upright" (Jeremiah 10:5). Its branches are a
symbol of victory (Revelation 7:9). "Rising with
stem 40 or 50, at times even 80, feet aloft, its only branches,
the feathery, snow-like, pale-green fronds from
6 to 12 feet long, bending from its top, the palm attracts the
eye wherever it is seen." The whole land of
Palestine was called by the Greeks and Romans Phoenicia, i.e.,
"the land of palms." Tadmor in the desert was
called by the Greeks and Romans Palmyra, i.e., "the city of
palms." The finest specimens of this tree grew at
Jericho (Deuteronomy 34:3) and Engedi and along the
banks of the Jordan. Branches of the palm tree were
carried at the feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:40). At our Lord's triumphal
entrance into Jerusalem the crowds
took palm branches, and went forth to meet him, crying,
"Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in
the name of the Lord" (Matthew 21:8; John 12:13).
Smith's Bible Dictionary has more information on Palm tree
Torrey's Topical Textbook has this information on Palm-tree, The
do the Encyclopedia's tell us about Palm Sunday?
World Book Encyclopedia says this about Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy
Week. It celebrates the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into
where people spread palm branches and clothing before Him. During
Palm Sunday services, many churches
distribute cut palm leaves, sometimes woven into the shape of a
cross. Greek Orthodox Christians receive branches
of fragrant bay leaves. The leaves are then used in cooking
during the year.
is what Encarta Online says about Palm Sunday:
Palm Sunday, in Christianity, Sunday before Easter, so called
from the custom of blessing palms and of carrying
portions of branches in procession, in commemoration of the
triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The custom
may be traced back at least to the 4th century.
Jean Baptiste (1830-1914), French baritone of grand opera and
concert stage; also famed as composer of
sacred songs, notably 'The Palms', often a part of Palm Sunday
church services.
From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Deluxe.
happened on the first Palm Sunday?
the Bible story for yourself.
Luke 19:28-44
is another site link: What Happened on that first Palm
written by
the first Palm Sunday a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?
Let's look at Zechariah 9:9 & John 12-14
Zechariah 9:9 - "Rejoice greatly, O
daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having
salvation; lowly, and riding
upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass."
John 12:14 - "And Jesus, when he
had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,"
do churches celebrate Palm Sunday today?
The way it is
celebrated depends on the type of denomination. Some Churches
just have
a special sermon, sing appropriate hymns while others may reenact
the event and have real
palms to distribute to the congregation.
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Deluxe we read: "Pageant
& Parades - In Roman
Catholic nations there are Holy Week processions in many cities.
(Holy Week consists of
the seven days before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday.) These
pageants commemorate
the last days of Jesus on Earth and often end with a short
Passion play that
includes a mock trial and crucifixion."
does "Hosanna" mean?
Hitchcock's Bible Names says that Hosanna means:
"save I pray thee; keep; preserve"
Smith's Bible Dictionary tells us: "Hosanna -
(save now ). "Save,
we pray!" the cry of the
multitudes as they thronged in our Lords triumphal
procession into Jerusalem.
(Matthew 21:9,15; Mark 11:9,10; John 12:13) The Psalm from which it
was taken, the
118th, was one with which they were familiar from being
accustomed to recite the
25th and 26th verses at the feast of tabernacles, forming a part
of the great hallel.
Ps. 113-118."
Baker's Evangelical
has this page about Hosanna
What is the significance of the
donkey that Jesus rode?
I just looked up the word "donkey" in the KJV and it
isn't there. So I tried "ass".
Naves Topical Bible on their page says this about the
Used by Jesus: Matthew 21:2,5, Luke 13:15, John 12:14,15 & Zechariah 9:9
Actually the donkey is an UNCLEAN animal (Leviticus 11:2,3,26 & Exodus 13:13) and
that in itself has significance. Other Bible Study Tool Links:
Torrey's Topical Textbook has these pages: Ass, The Domestic & Ass, The Wild
Just for fun visit: Pin
the Tail on the Donkey... Online Game with Billy Bear
Donkey Link: The
Donkey Page
Palm Sunday
Catholic Encyclopedia- BRANCH SUNDAY & Palm Sunday
Is This Man? - a song for Palm Sunday
The Catholic Encyclopedia has these pages: Palm in Christian Symbolism & Palm Sunday
to Make Palm Crosses
Observe Palm Sunday from ""
the Gap - Palm Sunday - Devotional for Kids
News Item: Soldiers
take time to pray in Basra
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by Annie:
Annie's Arbor Day Welcome Page
Annie's Bible Study
Resources Page
Annie's World Day of Prayer
Annie's Email Encourager Prayer Page
Annie's "I Prayed for You
Today" Page
Annie's Easter Welcome Page - has a listing of all my
Easter Pages
Annie's Good Friday Page
Annie's Casting Lots Page
a Palm Sunday Greeting Card to a friend
~Sunday April 17th, 2011~
You can see all the different cards I have available at Annie's Card Shop.
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