Annie's "Month of May" Page

"And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make
fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and
like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."
~Isaiah 58:11~


April showers Bring May Flowers
Why not visit my Annie's Verse A Day Page?


Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?
with cockle shells and little maids all in a row.

The Birds will come back and will build their nests.
So grab your binoculars and "Bird Watching" books.

May is one of the most beautiful months of the year in the North Temperate Zone. The snow and ice have
melted, and summer's intense heat has not yet begun. The first garden crops begin to sprout in May. The trees
and grass are green, and wild plants are in bloom. Wild flowers that blossom in different parts of the United
States include the jack-in-the-pulpit, anemone, hepatica, forsythia, dogwood, and blue, yellow, and white violets.
Many birds have built their nests, and mother birds are sitting on the eggs, which will soon hatch.

There are several stories about how the month of May was named. The most widely accepted explanation is that it
was named for Maia, the Roman goddess of spring and growth. Her name seems to be related to a Latin word that
means increase or growth. The ancient Romans held ceremonies in Maia's honor on May 1 and again on May 15.

May customs - Even in ancient times, May 1 was a day for outdoor festivals. In Rome, May 1 fell at a time that
was sacred to Flora, the goddess of flowers. The Romans celebrated the day with flower-decked parades. The
English also observed many beautiful
May Day customs. Maypoles were erected in village parks. On the morning of
May 1, the village youths went to the woods and gathered "mayflowers," or hawthorn blossoms, to decorate the
Maypole. The girls wore their prettiest dresses, each hoping that she would be elected May queen. The
queen danced around the Maypole with her "subjects."

Special days - In most states of the United States, the last Monday in May is observed as Memorial Day, or
Decoration Day. It is a legal holiday in memory of those who died while serving the United States in war. The
graves of war heroes are decorated with flowers. Memorial Day was first observed in 1866.

Two special days in May have been designated by Presidential proclamations.
Mother's Day, first observed in
1908, was recognized officially by Congress and the President in 1914. It is celebrated in honor of the nation's
mothers on the second Sunday in May. The third Saturday of the month is Armed Forces Day, when the United
States honors the men and women of the military services. In 1950, the Armed Forces Day celebration combined
the Army, Navy, and Air Force tributes, which had been held at separate times.

The Kentucky Derby, the most famous horse race in the United States, takes place on the first Saturday
in May at Churchill Downs, Louisville, Ky.

Many Mexican Americans celebrate May 5, which they call Cinco de Mayo. This day, a national holiday in Mexico,
is the anniversary of the Mexican victory over the French at Puebla in 1862.

May symbols: The hawthorn and the lily of the valley are considered the flowers for May.
The birthstone is the emerald.



Here's to the day when it is May
And care as light as a feather,
When your little shoes and my big boots
Go tramping over the heather.
~Bliss Carman~

Hail, bounteous May, that doth inspire
Mirth, and youth, and warm desire;
Woods and groves are of thy dressing,
Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.
~John Milton~

'Twas as welcome to me as flowers in May.
~James Howell~

The maple puts her corals on in May.
~James Russell Lowell~

When May, with cowslip-braided locks,
Walks through the land in green attire.
~Bayard Taylor~

Then came fair May, the fairest maid on ground,
Deck'd all with dainties of the season's pride,
And throwing flowers out of her lap around.
~Edmund Spenser~


May 2011

May was the third month according to the early Roman calendar, and March was the first. Later,
the ancient Romans used January 1 for the beginning of their year, and May became the fifth
month. May has always had 31 days.
Flower:  Lily of the Valley Birthstone:  Emerald
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Christian Family Week & May Day & 1776 - Illuminati Founded
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Golda Meir's Birthday 1898 - 1978 & National Scrap Book Day & Teacher's Day
Space Day
National Day of Prayer & Cinco de Mayo & Liberation Day in The Netherlands & Halfway Point of Spring
Nurse's Day
Miss Bear Nurse
Tchaikovsky's Birthday 1840-1893
VE Day (1945) & Red Cross Day & Mother's Day
Florence Nightingale's Birthday

Police Memorial Day & Stepmother's Day


Full Moon Day


Armed Forces Day

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Birthday 1859-1930 & Lag B'Omer

Victoria Day (Canada)


John F. Kennedy's Birthday 1917 - 1963

Memorial Day Observed
Walt Whitman's
Birthday 1819-1892

May is Huntington Disease Awareness Month

Christian Events that were in May 2010 and June 2011:
June 11th, 2011 is Jesus Day. Find out What is Jesus Day?
June 11th,
2011 is also the March for Jesus
Both are Celebrated the Saturday before
Pentecost Sunday each year
Penecost is June 12th,
Global Day of Prayer! is a 10-day prayer event that begins on Ascension Day on June 2nd, 2011
It continues on and ends on June 12th which is
Pentecost 2011, and here is another link for Global Day of Prayer
Check out
Today in History by the History Channel

Click here to save my Spring Card for YOU!!
Just click the flowers above to Email a Flower Greeting.
Send someone you care about a FREE Email Greeting Card for the May Celebrations
Annie's May Cards Page!

Other Special Events & Links:
Famous Birthdays for the Month of May by Famous Birthdays
Christian Family Week - Christian Family Week in the United States is usually celebrated on the first Sunday in May.  In Canada, Families are celebrated during the Canadian Thanksgiving Holiday, which always begins on the second Monday of October.  However, you can celebrate Christian Family Week whenever it suits your church schedule.

Other Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's Card Shop
Annie's Begin the Day with Me Page

May Holidays:
To see all the current & upcoming holidays visit:
Annie's Holiday Page
Annie's May Cards Page
Annie's May All Bible Verses Page
Annie's May Verse A Day Page - Focus: Prophecies Concerning the
Last Days
Don't Miss my:
Annie's May Holidays Page
Annie's May Memory Verses Page
Annie's "A Psalm for Each Day" Page ~For May 2010~
Jake's Printable May Word Puzzle Page
Jake's "May Online Word Puzzle" Page
Annie's "May Fun & Free Stuff" Page
Annie's "Adding Wallpaper & Graphics to your Desktop" Page
Annie's "Sample of Annie's Desktop for May" Page

Are you looking ahead to the June Holidays?
Visit: Annie's June Holidays Page or Annie's List of Holiday Pages
Annie's 2010 Holiday's By Date Page
For all my Monthly Pages visit:
Annie's "Verse A Day" Page

Other May Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's May Cards Page
Annie's "May Verse A Day" Page
Annie's May All Bible Verses Page
Annie's May Memory Verses Page
Annie's "A Psalm for Each Day" Page ~For May 2010~
Jake's Printable May Word Puzzle Page
Jake's "May Online Word Puzzle" Page
Annie's "May Fun & Free Stuff" Page
Annie's "Adding Wallpaper & Graphics to your Desktop" Page
Annie's "Sample of Annie's Desktop for May" Page
Don't Miss my:
Annie's May Holidays Page
Continue on to next Month:
Annie's "Month of June" Page


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