"Chinese New Year" Page
2010 The Year of the Ox -
Lunar Year 4708
- 2nd new moon after Winter Solstice~
~Chinese New Year is February 14th, 2010~
Source for above information is: Chinese
Happy New
Year from Annie's Home Page!!!
The Year of the Tiger - Lunar
Year 4708
2011 The Year of the Hare - Lunar
Year 4709
2012 The Year of the Dragon - Lunar
Year 4710
2013 The Year of the Snake - Lunar
Year 4711
2014 The Year of the Horse - Lunar
Year 4712
2015 The Year of the Sheep - Lunar
Year 4713
2016 The Year of the Monkey - Lunar
Year 4714
2017 The Year of the Rooster - Lunar
Year 4715
2018 The Year of the Dog - Lunar
Year 4716
2019 The Year of the Pig - Lunar
Year 4717
~The Above Information is from Lunar New
Year Calendar- 2003 - 2020~
"And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach
the gospel to every creature."
~Mark 16:15~
Christians we should never forget the "Great
Commission" that Jesus gave us. We are
to "go into ALL the
world" and share the Gospel with "everyone".
We are not to be
ashamed. We are to be obedient and faithful. The Lord will
arrange the divine
appointments for you. You just need to be willing to follow.
Lord doesn't burden every Christian to go into the Mission field
or to become a
Preacher or Pastor. However, the Lord does use every willing
heart to spread the "Good
News" that we find in the Gospels. Have you checked your
heart lately?
this opportunity to search your heart and seek the Lord. Ask Him
what HE wants you
to do with your life. I don't know about you but I remember
thinking that IF I let the
Lord have control of my life He would send me to the middle of no
where as a missionary
and either I would never get married or it would be to someone
that I wouldn't want to
marry. Silly isn't it. It is so much easier for us to trust our
own "instincts" or "feelings"
instead of being OBEDIENT to the LORD and the WORD
of God.
"And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come."
~Matthew 24:14~
time you hear the Lord calling or knocking at your heart don't
turn the other way
and run. He knows all of your needs and wants and
desires......and yet He wants only
good things for you. He wants you to ASK and He will provide that
"perfect gift" for you.
Don't be like Jonah who went the other way and
ended up in the whale's belly. We know
that "All things do work together for good" but that is
IF you are walking the walk that
the Lord has for you. He will direct your steps and paths. Just
be willing to follow where
He leads you.
"And Peter answered him and
said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the
water. And he said,
Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on
the water, to go to
Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and
beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And
immediately Jesus stretched forth
his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little
wherefore didst thou doubt?" ~Matthew
you knew you had only one week to live what would you do? Would
you be full of
regret? Or would you know that you have done what the Lord
prepared you to do. When
you got to heaven would you hear the Lord
say: "Well done thy good and faithful
servant"? Don't waste your life. Don't keep putting off what
you know the Lord wants you
to do. IF you waited until you were "perfect" or
"ready" you might never take that first
step. Remember Peter when he was in the boat?
He was all upset and worried because of
the wind storm. Jesus wanted Peter to TRUST Him and take His hand. But
Peter panicked.
Don't be just like Peter. If look down and all
around instead of looking forward you might
just think that anything might be impossible. Remember that you don't
have to do it all by
yourself. Take that first step. Reach your hand out and ask for
His HELP. The Lord will
provide the path that He has planned and prepared for you to
accomplish His
purpose in your life.
"Withal praying also for us,
that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak
the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:"
~Colossians 4:3~
the Lord is calling your to be a missionary and to go to China. That
might just be
why He brought you to this page. There are no accidents or
coincidences with the Lord.
He has a reason for everything even if you don't understand or
see it just yet. So as you
read about China and this holiday listen to the "still small
voice" of the Lord.
"And now, Israel, what doth the
LORD thy God require of
thee, but to fear the LORD
thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve
the LORD thy
God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,"
~Deuteronomy 10:12~
When is Chinese New Year?
Chinese New Year begins between January 21 and February 19. The
celebration lasts
four days. On the last night, people dress as dragons to frighten
and delight the children."
~Source: The World Book Encyclopedia~
Chinese New Year is celebrated wherever there are sizable Chinese
communities. The
official celebration lasts one month and begins in late January
or early February. There
are outdoor parades and fireworks to mark the occasion."
~From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia~
Learn about The Chinese Calendar
"Three of the most prominent are the Jewish, Muslim, and
Chinese. Both the Jewish and
Chinese calendars are lunisolar: The years are reckoned according
to the sun but the
months according to the moon.
"The Chinese calendar is basically lunar, or based on the
moon, consisting of 12 months of
alternately 29 and 30 days. This lunar year totals 354 days. To
keep this calendar in step
with the solar year of about 365 days, intercalary months are
periodically inserted in much
the same way they are in the Jewish calendar. One interesting
feature of the Chinese
calendar is the naming of the years. Twelve animal names from
ancient times have been
attached to years. These names, in order of their occurrence,
are: rat, ox, tiger, hare,
dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, fowl, dog, and pig. This
cycle of years is frequently
used for astrological purposes, much the same way the 12 signs of
the zodiac are used in
the West to describe personality traits and to tell
~From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia~
Related Links: Calendar & The Chinese Calendar
Learn about The Dragon
is what The World Book tells us about the DRAGON:
Dragon is a legendary beast in the folklore of many European and
Asian cultures. Legends
describe dragons as large, lizardlike creatures that breathe fire
and have a long, scaly
tail. In Europe, dragons are traditionally portrayed as ferocious
beasts that represent the
evils fought by human beings. But in Asia, especially in China
and Japan, the animals are
generally considered friendly creatures that ensure good luck and
Many European legends tell how a hero slew a dragon. For example,
Apollo, a god of the
ancient Greeks and Romans, once killed a dragon called Python.
Saint George, the patron
saint of England, rescued a princess from a dragon by slaying the
beast with a lance.
According to some medieval legends, dragons lived in wild, remote
regions of the world.
The dragons guarded treasures in their dens, and a person who
killed one supposedly
gained its wealth. The English epic hero Beowulf died in a fight
with a treasure-guarding
In China, the traditional New Year's Day parade includes a group
of people who wind
through the street wearing a large dragon costume. The dragon's
image, according to an
ancient Chinese belief, prevents evil spirits from spoiling the
new year. Another traditional
Chinese belief is that certain dragons have the power to control
the rainfall needed for
each year's harvest.
Related Links: Learn More about the Dragon
"And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
and perfect, will of God."
~Romans 12:2~
Should a Christian read their
these pages to find out why not:
From John Ankerberg's site: Astrologers
From the Nave's Topical Bible: Astrology
Baker's Evangelical Dictionary: Astrology
JVI Prophecy Dictionary: Page about Astrology
To learn more about Current Event
Issues for Christian Families
Annie's Christian News Page
Learn about Parades & Pagentry:
and parades originated as religious rituals among very ancient
peoples. Tribes
held dances or processions to frighten away evil spirits or to
demonstrate military
strength. Fertility rites were also commonly performed as
processions. The ancient Chinese
made paper and wooden images of dragon gods and carried them
through the streets to
make it rain. Dragon parades are still part of Chinese New Year
~From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia~
"One of the most extravagant competitions found anywhere in
the world is the Chinese
Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong. Every June boats from 80 to
100 feet (24 to 30
meters) in length and decorated as dragons are raced by crews of
up to 50 rowers. The
origin of the race is said to be in the tradition of appealing to
dragon gods for rain."
~From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia~
Let's Learn more about China
China Facts and Information:
"(or People's Republic of China), country in e. Asia; area
3,692,000 sq mi
(9,561,000 sq km); cap. Beijing; pop. 1,179,467,000."
~From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia~
We can learn even more about China
from Gospelcom
Location: Asia
Population: 1.2 Billion
Capital: Beijing
Language: Mandarin
Religion: Atheism
Major People Groups: Han
Chinese, Zhuang, Manchu
Protestant Christians:
Sites about China:
China, People's Republic of
(The People's Republic) from
Preparing for a trip to
China - ICM Country Profile
China Country Analysis Brief - great links
Map Links: National Geographic's Map
City.Net Asia Maps
World Map has a good Asia Map
Countries Around the World -- China Page
News & Newspapers About China & Asia:
China News Digest
Inside China Today
CNN Asia Pacific
BBC Asia Pacific
International- China
Annie's News Sources Page
Annie's Church &
Missions News Sources
Read the Bible in Chinese:
download a FREE Chinese Bible visit:
International Bible Society
- Chinese Bible & Scriptures
To use the Bible Online: Chinese Life Application Bible
For the Bible Online in English: Bible Gateway or Online Study Bible from
Annie's Bible Study
Resources Page
Online Christian Classics in
Christian Classics Ethereal
Library in Chinese - classic Christian books free
online in Chinese
To Learn How to Become a Christian:
Four Spiritual Laws in Chinese, Simplified
The Four Spiritual Laws in Chinese, Traditional
The Four Spiritual Laws in English
Jesus Who? in Chinese & in English too!
Devotionals Sites:
Chinese Articles from
& Australian Chinese Christian Sites:
Chinese American Christians
Australian Chinese
Christian Newsnet
Missionary & Christian Sites
Relating to China:
Create International - "Create
International is a frontier mission media ministry of Youth
With A mission producing both prayer mobilization and
evangelistic videos for missionaries,
churches, Christian workers and unreached peoples groups."
Hidden Church, Hidden
- The Role of Overseas Chinese in Reaching China
Educational Services
International - "ESl
gives Christians an opportunity to make friends in
Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech
Republic, Hungary,
Russia, Ukraine, and China through teaching English or Business."
Partners International - "Partners
International works in partnership with indigenous
believers to establish the Church throughout the world's least
Christian regions."
Asian Minorities Outreach - "Welcome
to Asian Minorities Outreach! Asian
Outreach is an inter-denominational Christian mission, meaning
that we work with and on
behalf of all groups and churches who love the Lord Jesus Christ
and wish to see His
Kingdom spread among Asia's needy. We work with national
believers throughout the
neediest countries of Asia, especially in China, Vietnam, Laos,
Myanmar (Burma), Nepal
and northern India. Within these six countries are approximately
1,000 unreached people
Chinese Christian Links
East Gates Ministries - Billy Graham's son Ned's
Ministry - "They have distributed over 2
million Bibles and other evangelical literature to Christians in
the Peoples Republic of
China. ."
Resources & Referrals/China - "Through culturally relevant
activities, ERRC seeks to manifest the servant hood of Christ to
the future leaders of the
People's Republic of China."
Project Partner With Christ ministers to China. - "By creating a
global partner network,
Project Partner links Christians around the world with dynamic
Christian leaders who are
already directing effective ministries among their own
OMF International UK- Proclaiming
Christ in Asia - "We are OMF International
formerly China Inland Mission founded by James Hudson Taylor in
1865. Through God`s
grace we aim to see an indigenous, biblical church planting
movement in each people group
of East Asia, evangelising their own people and reaching out in
mission to other peoples."
Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) - "At Wycliffe, our
vision is to see Bible translation in
progress among every language group that needs it by the year
Sowers International - "Our vision is to
sow the Word by raising up, equipping, and
sending out workers into the harvest. We believe that the world
can be changed by the
power of Jesus Christ, one person at a time! Our passion is to
proclaim the Gospel of
Jesus Christ to all of the earth in such a way that it will be
received and bring people out
of darkness and into the light."
Torrey Topical Textbook Bible Study Online: Missionaries, all
Christians should be as &
Missionary Work by
Equipping for Long Term
Effectiveness- Seven Keys to Prepare for Missions and Ministry
From Surgery to
Acupuncture- An Alternative Approach to Managing Church Conflict
an Asian American
News Item - China Clamps Down On Its
She is one of my favorite Missionaries - Gladys Aylward- China on
her mind
Biography - Lottie Moon- A life poured
out in China
Pages by Annie:
Annie's Bee an Internet
Missionary Page
Annie's St. Patrick's Day Page
Annie's "Why I Have
Holiday Pages" Page
Chinese New Year Links:
Dates of Chinese New Year
Lunar New Year Calendar-
2003 - 2020
The History of Chinese New
Year Celebration
History behind the
celebrations from Chinese New Year Page
Chinese New Year - links page
Hong Kong Chinese New Year
Chinatown Online - Chinese
New Year
Lunar New Year's Traditions from Inside China Today
2002 Southwest Airlines
Chinese New Year Festival & Parade
Food for Chinese New Year
The Significance of Flowers for Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Links from Entertaining at
Funology's Chinese New Year Page - with great links to just
about everything
Springfield Library's Chinese New Year Links Page
Chinese New Year from The Perpetual
Chinese New Year - from the Faculty of
Chinese New Year - from Chinese Culture at
Chinese New Year - from
Celebration of the Chinese
New Year
from Chinese Culture Center
Chinese New Year from There's No Place Like
Home for the Holidays
When is Chinese New Year
2010, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Chinese New Year Pages for Kids:
Chinese New Year from Family Crafts at
Chinese New Year Crafts and
Chinese New Year
Kids' Domain Chinese New
Year Coloring Pages
Field Trip- Chinese New
from Scholastic
Chinese New Year Cyberhunt - from last year but looks
like fun
Chinese New Year from Surf Net for Kids
New Year Coloring Pages & Games:
Chinese New Year Dragon
Chinese New Year Alphabet
Related Pages by Annie
Annie's New Year Page
Annie's New Year History
Annie's New Year Around the
World Page
Annie's Bee an Internet
Missionary Page
Send a Chinese New Year Card:
Chinese New
Year Cards Not Here Yet
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