Annie's St. Patrick's Day Page
~St. Patrick's Day
is celebrated around the world on March 17th~
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The Bible says that we as
Christians and Believers are saints: "And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." ~Romans 8:27~ "I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me." ~Romans 16:2~ "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:" ~Ephesians 1:1~ "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints," ~Ephesians 1:18~ To read all the references of SAINTS in the Bible click the word SAINTS here. We as Christians are to: "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good" ~1 Thessalonians 5:12~ I am a Christian, I am not Catholic. Some Catholics are Christians and some Christians are Catholics. But one does not equal the other. Being a Baptist or Pentecostal does not necessarily mean that you are a Christian, for that matter being any denomination does not mean that you are a Christian. I have included the links below for purely educational purposes. I personally found it very interesting to know how the Roman Catholic Church decides to make a person a Saint. Related
Links: WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? Webster's Dictionary Says: Christian \Chris"tian\, a. 1. Pertaining to Christ or his religion; as, Christian people. 2. Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as, a Christian court. --Blackstone. 3. Characteristic of Christian people; civilized; kind; kindly; gentle; beneficent. This
is what the Bible says: Easton's Bible Dictionary defines a Christian - the name given by the Greeks or Romans, probably in reproach, to the followers of Jesus. It was first used at Antioch. The names by which the disciples were known among themselves were "brethren," "the faithful," "elect," "saints," "believers." But as distinguishing them from the multitude without, the name "Christian" came into use, and was universally accepted. This name occurs but three times in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16). Now that we know what a Christian is by definition let's look at how we can become a Christian: "For by GRACE are you saved through faith, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast" ~Ephesians 2:8-9~ It's as easy as ABC to
give your heart All the "LUCK" in the world won't matter if you spend eternity in hell. Don't put it don't know what tomorrow may bring. Do you know what you would say if you tomorrow you died, you got to heaven and they asked you "Why should we let you in?" Believe me a long laundry list of all the good things you did isn't enough. Because nothing of your own merit will get you to heaven.....the only way is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. Here is a link to "The Four Spiritual Laws" part of Campus Crusade for Christ. This page and site will follow up on your decision if you become a Christian and they have wonderful resources. You can click here and read my personal testimony at "Annie's Testimony Page".
And this stems from a more bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day. ~Excerpted from Compton's Encyclopedia ~ WHAT
IS THE TRINITY? Many Christians agree and others disagree with this "doctrine" of the Trinity. I am not saying I agree or disagree but I am trying to give you the information and then you can decide what you think. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines the Trinity - a word not found in Scripture, but used to express the doctrine of the unity of God as subsisting in three distinct Persons. This word is derived from the Gr. trias, first used by Theophilus (A.D. 168-183), or from the Lat. trinitas, first used by Tertullian (A.D. 220), to express this doctrine. The propositions involved in the doctrine are these: 1. That God is one, and that there is but one God (Deut. 6:4; 1 Kings 8:60; Isa. 44:6; Mark 12:29, 32; John 10:30). 2. That the Father is a distinct divine Person (hypostasis, subsistentia, persona, suppositum intellectuale), distinct from the Son and the Holy Spirit. 3. That Jesus Christ was truly God, and yet was a Person distinct from the Father and the Holy Spirit. 4. That the Holy Spirit is also a distinct divine Person. Doctrine of the Trinity: Look at the "shamrock" on the background of this page. Three leaves and all in one piece. Three in One. One of the Gospels, the Book of John helps us to understand the Trinity. READ the first chapter of the Book of John WHO
IS JESUS CHRIST? From BibleGateway Matthew 1:17
"So all the generations from Abraham to David are
fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying
away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the
carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen
Notice what Jesus himself says in these verses:
Easton's Bible Dictionary defines Christ - anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word rendered "Messiah" (q.v.), the official title of our Lord, occurring five hundred and fourteen times in the New Testament. It denotes that he was anointed or consecrated to his great redemptive work as Prophet, Priest, and King of his people. He is Jesus the Christ (Acts 17:3; 18:5; Matt. 22:42), the Anointed One. He is thus spoken of by Isaiah (61:1), and by Daniel (9:24-26), who styles him "Messiah the Prince." To believe that "Jesus is the Christ" is to believe that he is the Anointed, the Messiah of the prophets, the Saviour sent of God, that he was, in a word, what he claimed to be. This is to believe the gospel, by the faith of which alone men can be brought unto God. That Jesus is the Christ is the testimony of God, and the faith of this constitutes a Christian (1 Cor. 12:3; 1 John 5:1).
Some Information about St Patrick:
Who is St Patrick anyway? Saint
Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland in the A.D.
400's. Saint Patrick was born in Britain and was taken to
Ireland as a slave in the early 400's. After six years of
slavery, he escaped to France, where he studied for the
priesthood. He returned to Ireland as a Christian
missionary in 432. The Irish accepted Christianity and
came to regard Patrick as their patron (guardian) saint.
Today, his feast day, March 17, is celebrated as a
national holiday.
Compton's Encyclopedia Adds
this information: Despite
a constant threat to his life, Patrick traveled widely,
baptizing, confirming, and preaching and building
churches, schools, and monasteries. Patrick succeeded in
converting almost the entire population of the island.
His 'Epistola' pleads the case of the Christian Irish at
the hands of their British conquerors. Patrick's writings
have come to be appreciated for their simplicity and
humility. Wasn't Ireland always a
Christian Country? Do the Irish Jig!!! St. Patrick's Day the
Holiday Let's take from St Patrick his zeal and desire to share the love of Jesus Christ with others. He is a real example of a missionary and Christian for us to follow.
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