Christmas Adventure
It's time to take a Christmas
Adventure with Annie........ Let's follow the links and see where
they take us. These links will take you around the world. We can
see how others celebrate the Christmas holidays. I've packed our bags, There's a great big world out there. We better take the compass! God's Word is our true compass and
it gives us the best Here are some scriptures to always
remember: "I will instruct you and teach
you in the way that though "I know the plans I have for
you,declares the Lord, "Commit thy way unto the Lord;
trust also in him; Let's get started on our adventure. Don't run faster then your guardian
angel can fly! First lets practice saying Merry
Christmas in different Languages: Learn to say Christmas in many
different languages. The Logos Dictionary even says
the Here is another site to visit: Merry Christmas in 120
Languages Jul and
Weihnachten "Merry Christmas" in Spanish
is Maybe we will make some new friends
along the way: "A friend loveth at all
times." Proverbs 17:17 "People in a hundred languages
sing the joys of Christmas and share their respective countries'
traditions. Austria gave us "Silent Night"; England
contributed the mistletoe ball and wassail; Germany, the
Christmas tree; Scandinavia, the Yule candle and Yule log;
Mexico, the poinsettia plant. These traditions continue to be
celebrated with fresh and innovative ideas." ~15 Minute
Family Traditions & Memories by Emilie Barnes~ Are you ready for our first stop
along the way? We will Travel Around the World with
Annie for Christmas Christmas with Virtual
Finland Christmas
2000 The
World Book Encyclopedia Online has these pages to visit: Christmas around the world & Christmas recipes and
crafts from around the world & Holidays Around the World Try this Christmas Craft: NEW for Christmas 2001!!! The First Country is MOROCCO: More
New Christmas Sites for 2001 Thanks for Taking Other Related Pages about other
Countries: To see other And if you are done looking at
Christmas.................. Annie's
Featured Holiday Page Annie's
Featured Page
I love my country. I proud to be an American!!
we're all ready to go.
Just in case we get lost.
direction. Don't forget to take it on all your adventures.
shalt go I will guide you with mine eye"
~Psalms 32:8~
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hape and a future."
~Jeremiah 29:11~
and he shall bring it to pass,"
~Psalms 37:5~
Don't be in a hurry or you might forget this wise advise:
word for you and will direct you to other sites relating to the
Let's get started.
Noël sous Le Genêt Isolé
Christmas Around the World
Christmas Traditions in
France and Canada
Christmas in Denmark
Christmas Around the World in
More than 200 Countries!
Decorate a Mexican Home for
Decorate a Hungarian Christmas
Decorate a Tropical-Theme
Christmas Tree
Go Christmas Caroling in Romania
Celebrate an Australian
Plan an Australian Christmas
Prepare a French Christmas Eve
Celebrate a French Christmas
Celebrate a Traditional Polish
Christmas Day
Have a Traditional Polish Tree
Observe Polish Christmas Eve
Prepare a Traditional Polish
Christmas Eve Dinner
Preserve Polish Christmas
Learn about the Swedish tradition of Lucia
Christmas Around the World from The Parent Patch
I will be adding Christmas sites
here from all over the world. So if you are from a country that
is not listed please let me know so that I can add you to this
Anne Marie's Christmas Page
Stop is CANADA:
Kim's Whim is a Canadian site and has
GREAT Christmas Pages!
Next Stop is BRAZIL:
Christmas in Brazil created by Irene from
Graphics by Irene
Christmas in Eastern Europe
Irish Christmas Traditions
Christmas in Italy
Christmas in South America
French Christmas Recipes
Christmas in Mexico
Christmas in Greece
A German Christmas
Christmas in England
History of British
Christmas Traditions
CVC Christian School's
Christmas Page featuring a Christmas History International
Next Stop Finland:
Christmas at Emilia's Page and learn about Christmas
in Finland
An "Adventure with Annie"
Annie's New Year Around the World
Chinese New Year Page
Annie's Australia Day Page
Annie's "Koninginnedag
- Queen's Day" Page - Celebrated in The Netherlands
Annie's Cinco de Mayo Page - Celebrated in Mexico
Annie's Victoria Day Page - Celebrated in Canada
Annie's Canada Day Page - I have
other Canada Pages listed here
Annie's List of Foreign Languages
Annie's "French" Pages - lists
all the pages in French
Annie's "Spanish" Pages - lists
all the links to Spanish Pages
Christmas Pages By Annie
Annie's Christmas Welcome
Annie's Holiday Page
"Featured Page" Page
Copyright 1998 - 2001 Annie's Home
Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great
Graphics Spots for a list of their links. Some
graphics on this page
from Kim's Whimms & Graphics by
Irene. This site hosted by: Christian Web Host.