Annie's "French" Pages
The Lord has answered my prayers about having my pages translated into French. Anne Marie who is from Morocco has offered to translate my pages. We have started with my Testimony page and are working on a few Christmas pages now. Please be in prayer for Anne Marie. WOW isn't the Lord amazing? I never would have imagined that He would provide someone to help from half way around the world. Thank you so much Anne Marie for offering to do the French Translations of my pages.
Here is the first page that she has
translated for us:
La Page du Temoignage de Annie
is the old prayer request:
6/18/01 - Today the Lord really laid
on my heart that I need to translate many of my pages into
French. BUT I do not speak French fluently. I did take French
classes in high school so I can understand a little but certainly
not enough to translate any of my pages. I know that just using
an online translation program won't really do the translation
that well. So I am asking for someone to volunteer to help me
with translating my most popular pages into French. Maybe we can
just use the online generator and then you can check it for me.
Then you would just need to tell me what doesn't translate
correctly. So if you feel that you might have enough time to just
translate one page for me that would be one more page in French
then I already have now. Which is only one French page. Please
email me at if you
feel led by the Lord to help me with this.
Translating my pages into other
of my visitors was kind enough to share an online translation
page that she is using. So until I hear back from people on
individual page translation you can translate my pages HERE. Please
remember that it won't be totally accurate.
from Donna of HoneyBrook
for my French & Dutch
Pot of Gold
Here is the English link: Annie's
Pot of Gold Page
Pages were Translated for Annie by
Anne Marie from Anne Marie's Graphics
Annie's "French" Pages:
La Page de Annie: "Faites le
Test de l'Amour"
La Page d'Accueil de la
Saint-Valentin de Annie
La Page "Kit de Survie
Quotidien" de Annie
Page à imprimer de Annie-le Kit
Quotidien de Survie
La Page de Annie: "Ne vous
Inquiétez pas"
La Page d'Annie: "Gâteau des
Saintes Ecritures"
La Page de Annie: "Chaudron
La Page Halloween de Annie
Annie's List of Foreign Languages
La Page du Temoignage de Annie
La Page des Rois Mages de Annie
La Page d'Annie: Comment faire façe
au chagrin et les Fêtes
La Page d'Annie "Soyez une
Abeille Missionnaire d'Internet"
NOUVEAU - Annie's "Top 6 Most Visited
French Pages" Page
Pages were Translated for Annie by
Anne Marie from Anne Marie's Graphics
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