Annie's "Spring" Page
~Spring Begins on March 20th, 2011~
"While the earth
remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall
not cease."
~Genesis 8:22~
the calendar, people looked to the sky for signs that a new
season was
approaching. Such knowledge was vital to determine planting and
harvesting times. In the
Northern Hemisphere, for example, the bright star Regulus
climbing above the eastern
horizon signals that spring is at hand.
The seasons have a profound effect on plant and animal life. In
spring, plants and trees
sprout new leaves, flowers appear, birds migrate to warmer regions,
and many animals
emerge from hibernation." ~From Compton's Encyclopedia~
is the season between winter and summer. The Northern Hemisphere,
consists of the northern half of the earth, has spring weather
during late March, April,
May, and early June. In the Southern Hemisphere, spring weather
begins about September
and ends by early December.
Spring weather begins throughout much of North America with the
melting of winter snow.
In the polar regions, spring weather begins later and does not
last as long as it does in
the middle parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Tropical regions do
not have great seasonal
number of daylight hours increases during spring, and most spring
days have higher
temperatures than winter days. Nature awakens in
spring, when flowers bloom and
hibernating animals leave their winter sleeping places. In many
countries, the people have
festivals celebrating spring." ~Above Information from The
World Book Encyclopedia~
Spring Equinox
"On the Spring Equinox the Sun rises exactly in the east
travels through the sky for 12
hours and sets exactly in the west. On the Equinox this is the
motion of the Sun through
the sky for everyone on earth. Every place on earth experiences a
12 hours day twice a
year on the Spring and Fall Equinox." ~Quoted from Spring Equinox Site~
The World book says this about the Equinox:
Equinox, pronounced EE kwuh nahks,
is either of the two days of the year when the sun is
directly above the earth's equator. At these times, the days and
nights are of nearly
equal length everywhere on the earth. The term equinox comes from
a Latin word meaning
equal night.
The equinoxes occur on March 19, 20, or 21 and on September 22 or
23. In the Northern
Hemisphere, the March equinox marks the start of spring and is
often called the vernal
equinox. The position of the vernal equinox is called the first
point of Aries. The word
vernal means of spring. The September equinox marks the beginning
of autumn and is
called the autumnal equinox. The seasons are reversed in the
Southern Hemisphere.
The time interval from the March equinox to the September equinox
is longer than that
between the September equinox and the next March equinox. This
time difference results
from the earth's elliptical (oval-shaped) orbit around the sun.
The earth moves faster in
its orbit when it is closer to the sun. The distance between the
earth and the sun is
shortest in January. Therefore, the earth
completes the semicircle from the September
equinox to the March equinox faster than it does the opposite
Seasons and Spring
seasons have a profound effect on plant and animal life. In
spring, plants and trees
sprout new leaves, flowers appear, birds migrate to warmer
regions, and many animals
emerge from hibernation.
seasons are still known by the names that dimly reveal primitive
peoples' feelings
about them. Winter is an old Germanic word meaning "time of
water"--of rain and snow.
to the springing forth of living things. The original meanings of
summer and
autumn are lost. People in the United States, however, generally
call autumn by its
alternative name, fall, from "fall of the leaf."
~Above Information from The World Book Encyclopedia~
Thoughts from Annie about Spring:
is a time of new beginnings. Of Hope and of fresh starts. JOY and
Peace and contentment. Are you in a SPRING of your life or the
VALLEY? Do you have
HOPE and PEACE in your life? Spring is a good time to really look
at your life and decide
what you believe and why. Spring is also a good time to give your
life over to the Lord and
let HIM direct and guide your steps. So use this opportunity to
not just in your home but in your heart and spirit too. If you
are not a Christian and want
to know how to become one just click HERE to find out how to become
What does the
Bible say about Spring?
There are 26 Bible verses
with the word SPRING in them.
course there is more then just one definition of the word SPRING.
It is a season, it is an action, and it is a source of water.
Isaiah 43:17 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know
it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the
Bible Dictionary says this about SPRING. (Heb. 'ain,
"the bright open source,
the eye of the landscape"). To be carefully distinguished
from "well" (q.v.). "Springs"
mentioned in Joshua
(Heb. 'ashdoth) should rather be "declivities" or
(RSV), i.e., the undulating ground lying between the lowlands
(the shephelah)
and the central range of hills.
Topical Bible says this about SPRING.
Topical Bible - has this to say about the SEASONS
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heaven to divide the day from
the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for
days, and years:"
~Genesis 1:14~
How to Press Wildflowers?
press the flowers, spread them out carefully between several
thicknesses of
newspapers or blotters and place a board on top. Weight the pile
with books or rocks.
Change the papers every day for three or four days. Leave the
flowers in the press for
about ten days. If they dry quickly and thoroughly they will keep
their color. Mount them
with cellophane tape on heavy white ledger paper. The standard
herbarium size is 11 1/2
by 16 1/2 inches (29 by 42
centimeters). In the lower right-hand corner print the common
and scientific names of each kind of flower, the place where it
was found, and the date."
~From Compton's Encyclopedia~
Secret of a Wildflower Garden
secret to making one's own wild-flower garden is to use the
landscape in a natural
way. The standard flower garden has an organized, manicured look.
A garden of wild
flowers should appear completely informal, closely approximating
a natural setting such as
woodland, hillside, or prairie. The greater the land area
available, the more natural the
garden will look. But even small areas can be planted with wild
flowers native to one's
region. It is possible to buy assortments of wild flower seeds
that will keep a garden in
bloom for a whole growing season.
Wild flowers
are especially suitable in rock gardens and in shady spots where
grass and
most annuals will not thrive. Of first importance is to determine
the chemical
characteristics of the soil. It would be useless to attempt to
raise pink lady's-slippers in
neutral soil, for they require very acid soil. There are books
that give the acid needs of
wild flowers and explain how to make the soil meet them."
~From Compton's Encyclopedia~
Spring Pages:
Spring Page
& Homemade
Clean Up for Heart and Soul
Kid's Spring
Coloring Pages: Butterfly & Bird
and birdhouse
Craft Idea: Bird
Nest Craft
& Bird
& Caterpillar Crafts
Herbs &
Herb Gardens:
Herb Garden
Gardening Journal & The Butterfly by Misty of OWEG
Showers/Spring Flowers
"Seeds of Kindness - Event/Banquet Theme
Here are Other Related Pages by
Annie's Holiday Page & Annie's Summer Welcome Page
Annie's Flowers & Their Meanings
Annie's Verse A Day Page & Annie's Easter Page
Annie's "Month of March"
& Annie's "March Fun & Free
Stuff" Page
Annie's "April Fun & Free
Stuff" Page & Annie's "May Fun & Free
Stuff" Page
~Spring Begins on March 20th, 2011~
Send a friend a Hugged You In My Thoughts Card or how about a Happy Spring With Flowers Card.
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Spring Related Pages by Annie
by and pick up my Spring Card at Annie's Spring Card Page
Annie's "Spring Cards
Received" Page - see the cards I received here
Annie's "Spring Sig
Tags" Page & Annie's "Spring
Blinkies" Page
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