Message for You from Heaven~
"Let not
your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In
my Father's
house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare
a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again,
and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be
~John 14:1-3~
Have you ever lost a loved one? Are you feeling lonely and sad? Do
the tears seem to drop down your face? Yet you don't know
why or you just can't I
received a lovely verse in my email that I thought needed
to be shared. If
you know someone hurting and in grief this Christmas
please share this with them. Hold |
I really do understand the pain that Christmas can bring. You
have so many mixed emotions and sometimes they can
overwhelm you. So enjoy this page: ~A Message for You from Heaven~ |
I hope you enjoy this lovely verse that I received from a friend. I
see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below, ~Copyright 1999 by Wanda Bencke~ |
First Christmas In Heaven I've
had my first Christmas in Heaven |
The Dark Candle By Odain A
man had a little daughter--an only and much beloved
child. He lived only for her, she was His
best efforts proved fruitless unavailing, however, and
the child died. The father was Then
one night he had a dream. He was in heaven, and
witnessing a grand pageant of all the
Just then he awoke from from his dream. The lesson
was crystal clear, and it's effects |
"To All Parents" By Edgar A. Guest "I'll
lend you for a little time a,child of mine," He
said, "I
cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, "I
fancied that I heard you say, 'Dear Lord, Thy will be
done!' |
Other Related Pages by Annie for you to visit: Annie's Barnabas was an
Encourager Page to be encouraged or learn
To see other |
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
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