Annie's "Comfort" Page
all need comfort!
weariness, separation, loss, sickness and pain can
be overwhelming at times for all of us.
The Word of God is full of wonderful
promises that I know can comfort you.
So if you came here feeling a little discouraged then you are in
the right place!
Our God is an awesome God. He reigns...........
Our God is the God of all comfort! Not even the tiniest details of your life are unnoticed by the Lord! He knows all about you and loves you just the same. He loves you unconditionally. |
comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may be able
to The Bible is full of wonder, awe and yet is practical and full of God's promises. |
When you are feeling down
there are certain passages that can help you. You can
look up verses that will uplift and encourage you. On
this page I will try to help you find these passages. I
pray that some will comfort you, and minister to you at
your deepest need. |
Let's look at what the BIBLE says: |
"Have I not commanded
thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not "But
HE knows the way that I take.
unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of
me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find
rest unto your souls. For my yoke [is] easy, and my
burden is light." "In returning and rest
shall you be saved. In quietness and confidence "Have
mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is
consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. For my
life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my
strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones
are consumed."
Sometimes we need to just STOP, and be Quiet so that we can listen to God. It is so easy to do things our own way and then say "Please Lord, Bless this" But God's GRACE is sufficient. I know this from personal experience. For when I am weak then He is strong, He can indeed take our tragedies and turn them into triumph.
When I traveled through my "Job" years of sickness, turmoil and loss it was the GRACE of God that sustained me. But it was also the Word of God that I had memorized and hidden in my heart that FED me. When there was no one to turn to for help, the Lord protected me, He brought me back to life. The verses listed below will remind you that the Lord is near and waiting to hear your cry out to Him. If you ask Him, He will wipe away your tears: "What time I am afraid
I will trust in thee" "There
hath no temptation taken you but such that is common to
man. But God is faithful who will not tempt you beyond
that which ye are able but will with that temptation make
a way in which to escape."
What you are going through right now is kind of like playing dominoes. You remember the way that you line them all up on their side and when you touch one they all fall down. So many actions cause more actions and then add to that your reactions. Can you see how they are all connected? Does that make any sense? It is not always the action that is the problem. Some times the problem really is our reaction to the action.
difficult times reading a Psalm a day can give you
great comfort. It
really looks like a mess. Lots of knots and loose
strings. BUT if you look at it from the top it is all
neat,orderly and beautiful. Sometimes our life seems like
that too. We get all caught up in the little details and
forget to see the bigger picture from the top. So next
time you are looking at your life and everything looks
all messed up, stop and look |
Here are a few links that
you might enjoy: |
Related Pages by Annie for you to visit: |
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