"How to Cope with Grief and the Holidays" Page
are they that mourn for they shall be
~Matthew 5:4~
Note: This page was
written long before the horrible WTC tragedy. Thoughts from Annie: God
does answer prayer. Even if it seems like He is silent
and not listening. Remember
that sometimes we may not understand but Here
is another scripture that comes to mind: Remember
tears do a healing work and cleanse our body of poisons.
You may GOD
is bigger then our fears. He is bigger then our pain and
our problems. As
Christians we can confidently say, we have the assurance
that we will "Now
faith is the substance of things hoped for, Not
seeing and understanding is the hard part of life. We
know that we miss But
for now hold on to that assurance of a blessed and joyful
reunion "But
I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning
them which |
A. Spencer Nov
1, 1963 - Feb 28, 1996 |
year (2008) will be over twelve years and Christmas's since my
brother Billy was killed tragically in a car accident. It will
be the 13th Christmas because of when the accident fell during
the year.
In some ways it still feels like yesterday but then I catch
myself thinking about him
and knowing that one day I will get a big hug from him and he
will tell me all
that he has been doing in heaven while he is waiting for all of
us to arrive!!!
(You can read more about
this on my Testimony page.)
Stages of Grief "I will turn their
mourning into gladness. I will give them ".... that we may be
able to comfort them which are in trouble, There
are stages of Grief. You will have to go through them to
be healed 1: denial and isolation A
good Christian book called "Good Grief" 1: We Are In a State of
Shock The Four Tasks of Mourning - By William Worden 1 - To accept the reality of
the loss The five stages for the dying and the bereaved -by E. Kubler-Ross 1 - Denial and isolation |
Annie's Comfort Page - Similar to a
Bible Promise Book. |
Other COPE
with the Holiday Pages by Annie:
Annie's How to Cope with Grief &
the Holidays Long Page - the original and long
version of my How to Cope Page.
For a Text only copy of my LONG Cope page visit: Annie's
Cope Text Page
Annie's "How to Help Others who
are Grieving" Page
Annie's "How to Cope with Grief
Suggestions" Page
To see other
Christmas Related Pages By Annie
Visit: Annie's Christmas Welcome Page
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