Annie's Simple Guide to Home Page Design
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Please Note: I am sure you have seen many disclaimers before. Here is mine: God's Word says to "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good" 1 Thes. 5:21 KJV. On the net as in life, we should be wise and have discernment when traveling. Just because a site says it is Christian doesn't mean it lines up with God's Word doctrinally. Finally, I believe the Lord directs our steps and paths.....yes even our net surfing. So pray for wisdom, use discretion, and have fun on your adventure with the Lord. Free
Home Page Hosting If you are just starting to
make a web page PLEASE remember Tripod/Lycos This one seems to be the
best to start with. You don't need to know code either. Plus,
they give you 11 Megabytes to start! Are
you a CHURCH or MINISTRY? Do you need FREE Web Hosting? Online
Page Generators WebSpawner Ltd.: Free webpages
created in minutes. |
Applets, Scripts & CGI "Refer
this Page" Links |
& Fonts: Banners: |
Counters and Trackers Christian's
Unite has a counter and they also have a More Counters: Free
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Help Programs Web Site Garage - One Stop
Shop for Servicing Your Web Site. Web Site Chart Colors at
Sutton Designs Site~~ Visit this site to learn about
Ideas Web Rings: I have lots of Webrings
on many different pages. I now have a page for Webrings: Annie's
Webrings Page. I also have some places to join
on my Annie's More Lovely Christian
Ladies Page. Link Exchange: If you like a page then email the owner and ask if you can exhange links with them. Banner Exchange Programs: Some people have their own banner pages and are not really the same as a Banner Exchange Program. In that case you are just exchanging banners with each other. But the bigger sites that are the main Banner Exchange programs are really advertising brokers that people click thru. They get paid for each click through. Of course some will pay you to advertise their program on your pages. Not all of them will. Even the Christian Link Exchange Programs are run in a similar way. I think it is just a few cents a click. They will ask you to post other peoples banners on your site. You don't always have control of what type of banners are posted on your pages. So make this decision wisely. Search
There are many to choose from. Alta Vista, Excite and
many MORE! You submit your page link and it may take up
to 6 weeks to be added to the search engines page. Email Others Directly: I like to encourage others, especially try to encourage others for the work they are doing for the Lord. This is a wonderful time that we live in. The Lord is using the Internet in a MIGHTY way and I'm blessed to be a part of it. If I like something specifically on someone's site, then I tell them. You can simply email them and ask if they would like to exchange links. Make sure you have added your web page address to the signature in the email. Don't know how? Just check out the instructions..................listed on Annie's Computer Hints Page I also add to the very bottom of
an email this: |
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Other Related Pages by Annie
Annie's Computer Hints Page
Annie's Tips on Outlook and Front
Page Express Page
"So you want to make a
Christmas Home Page too"
Annie's Bee an Internet Missionary - What a wonderful
opportunity to share our faith with others! Learn how to do just
that at this page.
Annie's "Holiday Fun & Free
Stuff" Page
Tips Pages:
Annie's "Tips for Front Page
Express" Page - This page lists all my Tips Pages
Annie's Simple Guide to Home Page
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graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots. for a list of their
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