"Send Christmas Mail to Our
Dear Abby CANCELLED for 2001~~
NEW - I have a NEW way for you to
write to some
of our Troops!! Thanks to Wendy of Military Mom's!
So stop by my NEW Annie's "Write to the
Troops" Page
- Message from America is sponsored by Circuit
and is a way for you to send recorded messages to our troops to
show your support!!!
Here is what the site says: "Go
to any Circuit City store between November 26th and
December 31st and videotape your holiday wishes and messages of
support for the
extraordinary men and women serving overseas in the United States
is a
link from the Military with a secure way to send holiday messages
to our troops!!!
11/5/01 - American Family Association
Sponsors Letter-writing Campaign
Express Your Gratitude To
Our Armed Forces
"I thank
my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,"
~Philemon 1:4~
for 2001!!
way to contact and write troops is to make sure you have an
So ask your church for a list of people that have family in the
military on active duty and see if you can write them!!!
just finished a page with information from Wendy of Military Mom's
on a way that you CAN send some mail to troops this year!!
Annie's "Write to the
Troops" Page
Do this as a Group Activity!
using this idea for a group activity for your Youth Group,
Seniors Group, Women's Group or even your Sunday School Class.
Home School Families might consider doing this for a Unit Study
or School Project.
All families should consider doing this as a Family Activity as
part of your Holiday Traditions.
This is how a Church group used
"care packages" as a ministry to there Youth that were
away at College & Service People overseas:
Congregational Care Committee together with the United Methodist
Women will be sending care packages to our church members and
friends in college and the armed services. Please help us
minister to our young people." First United Methodist Church
- Frisco - Frisco TX.
for SMALL Items to Include in Your Cards:
2: BookMarks
3: Tracts
4: Small flat plastic coated Calendars
5: Phone Cards
6: Visit your local Christian Bookstore to see what other small
items that they have.
Just Remember: Mail is limited to
First Class letter mail only,
and must weigh 13 ounces or less.
Here are a few ideas for "Care Packages":
Packages may ONLY be sent to
service people
that you know and that
you have an address for!
The little sample size toiletries.
2: Newspapers or Magazines
3: Food that is non perishable.
4: Prepaid Phone Calling Card
5: Disposable Camera
6: Chapstick
7: Single Coffee or Tea Bags
8: Chewing Gum
9: Books on Tape or Paperback books
10: Bible and Devotional Books.
"I thank
my God
upon every remembrance of you,"
~Philippians 1:3~
forget those that are left at home!
Here are just a few ideas:
1: Pray for them.
2: Invite them to go to Church with you.
3: If they are without extended family then invite them for
Dinner or for the Holidays.
4: Offer to babysit at NO CHARGE!!!
you are here send an email to someone you know that has a son,
daughter, wife or husband who is away from home serving our
country. Let them know that you are there if they need you and
that you are praying for them too!!!!
Other Related Pages:
Department of Defense
Department of Defense
Frequently Asked Questions
A 1999 Article but packed with information about what is
accepted: DLA Accepting Holiday
Shipments for Overseas Troops
Letters to the Front Contest - 2000 Contest is just about over. The
admission dates are from 9/4/00 to 11/11/00. Check out the Letter Writing Contest
Winners for 1999
U.S. Postal Service
Military Postal Service
-New Item - 2000 Military Mail Christmas
Mailing Dates-
- PDF Format
SOS - Support Our Soldiers - they have some great ways to
support the Troops all year round.
Related Links:
Avoid Long Lines at the Post
Office During the Holidays
Find ZIP Codes Online
Send Mail Overseas
Stamp Price To Increase
Jan. 7
Samples of New Postal Rates
Learn How To: Mail Holiday Cards Abroad & Mail Holiday Cards Within the United
& Mail Holiday Cards From Canada to
the United States & Bring Joy to a Service Person
Overseas During the Holidays
To send an
encouraging email greeting card visit Annie's
Card Shop.
"Message to Soldiers" cards will be available closer to
Share this information with others:
Just go to the
top of the page and choose "File" then
"Tools" then "Send a Link" and mail this page
to all your friends. Lets try to make sure that everyone gets a
special letter this Christmas. Let them know that they are not
alone and that someone is praying for them.
To see other |
if you are done looking at Christmas..................
Other Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's Veteran's Day Page
Annie's Memorial Day Page
Annie's Memorial Day Links Page
Annie's Armor of God Page
Annie's Christian Flag Page
Annie's Presidents Day Page
Annie's Flag Day Page
Annie's 4th of July Page
Annie's Prayer & the Email
Encouragers Page
Annie's Email Encourager's Page
Annie's Armed Forces Day Page
Annie's Bee an Internet Missionary
Annie's "Write to the
Troops" Page
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
Copyright 2000 - 2002 Annie's Home
Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
This page was inspired by
my friend Jennifer. Thank you Jennifer! Stop by and visit Jennifer's Home Page
& don't miss her Navy Page. Military Graphic from Susie's Graphics.
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