"Why do you have Bunnies &
on your Easter Pages? Page
will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness."
~Psalm 145:7~
Note from Annie about Easter:
family is different! We can sure all agree on that I think. Some
people know the history
of Easter
and some have never even read about it. Whether you decide to
celebrate Easter with bunnies or lambs is
entirely up to you. Bunnies and Eggs are not BAD in themselves.
The Lord created them so they can't be.
Nothing in itself is BAD it is what is done or associated with
something that might take away from the real
meaning. Please remember that the phone, tv or even the computer
can all be used for unacceptable behavior
but they can be used for good too. We shouldn't necessarily
"throw out the baby with the bath water so to
speak". Whatever you choose to do is just that: "Your
choice"!! I have never tried to tell others what to do
about the holidays. What I do want to do it offer some
"alternatives" and ways to use all the holidays as
an evangelistic opportunity. So this year instead of getting the
small percentage of email from "well meaning"
Christian's telling me that I shouldn't have bunnies or eggs on
my pages I thought I would try to be a
little "pro-active" and help lessen the negative email
about Easter. You are accountable to the LORD for
your actions or lack of them and NOT to ME! I would however
encourage you to make your own holiday pages
and see how the Lord can use you to encourage and educate others
on the Internet. Please remember that we
are suppose to be "salt and light" to the world and not
to dump the salt shaker on people. You don't have
to have a page that is negative and condemning to make a point.
Try to make the focus in
your family this year for Easter a new one that reminds you that:
"We serve a Risen Savior"!!!
are a few pages to check out:
Annie's "Why I Have
Holiday Pages" Page
Annie's "So you want
to make a Christmas Page too?" Page
"Bee an Internet Missionary" Page
Annie's "Simple Guide
to Home Page Design" Page
Annie's Tips Pages & Annie's List of Great Graphics Page
Easter Cards:
The Easter Cards are here!!!!!
Click the bunnies below to send a friend an Easter card.
your card now and have it sent April 24th, 2011 which is Easter
can see all the different cards I have available at Annie's
Card Shop.
Other Easter Cards to check out: DaySpring Cards Online
"We serve a Risen Savior"
see a list of all of Annie's Other Easter Pages visit:
Annie's Easter Welcome Page
Related Easter Pages by Annie:
Annie's Easter History Page
Annie's Easter Symbols and Their
Meanings Page
Annie's Easter Page - has lots of information
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
2002 - 2011 Annie's Home Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the
Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
Some graphics on this page
from The Graphics Cupboard & Cute Colors & Graphic Garden. Silent No Right Click
Dynamic Drive. For Instructions on how
to add the no right click script visit:
Annie's "How to Add Silent No
Right Click Script" Page.
For a Listing of the Rest of my Pages: