Annie's "Why I Have Holiday Pages" Page
we can celebrate together...
Annie's Holiday Pages are written
from a Christian Perspective!
will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness."
is the day which the LORD hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
am a Christian. My pages may be a little unconventional. The
Lord is the real author of my pages, for He has given me
the talent and ability to put them together.
defines a "Holiday" this way:
"A day set apart for religious
observance or for the commemoration of
some extraordinary event or distinguished person, or for some
other public
occasion. Holidays are characterized by a partial or total
cessation of
work and normal business activities and are generally accompanied
public and private ceremonies, including feasting (or fasting),
parades and
carnivals, or displays of flags and speechmaking."
I have Holiday Pages..............
During the Holiday season of 1997, I was advised from another
Christian site
that they had to remove my Banner. I was quite perplexed, and my
were hurt. I thought :"Haven't they even read my
pages?" But I knew that I
had to "Trust" the Lord even in this. They did it
because I have a "Christmas"
page. Well, through that experience, the Lord used it to teach me
some new
things. He encouraged me to keep on doing my "Holiday"
you haven't seen any of my "Holiday" pages, let me tell
you what makes
them just a little different. I take each "Holiday" and
share scriptures,
salvation, and a Christian perspective on the specific
celebration. I wanted to
inform and educate others about the origins of the holiday. Many
people don't
even know that the Jewish calendar is different from the one we
use. So I
have added verses from Scripture to let others know what the
BIBLE really
says. Basically my approach, is to share with people the
information and then
let them decide how they want to celebrate the holidays. My
purpose is not to
force my opinions and beliefs on others. My opinions really don't
The Word of God does.
holiday pages give us a really unique opportunity for
Evangelistic Outreach.
There were many, many people who came to my "holiday"
pages that would
otherwise NEVER go to a Christian page. Some people may never go
to Church
or even open a Bible. Remember that you and your pages, may be
the only
BIBLE that some people ever see or more importantly read.
me leave you with this verse to ponder:
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:
and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every
man that asketh you a reason of the hope
that is in you with meekness and fear:"
~1 Peter 3:15~
We have such a wonderful opportunity on the Internet.
As Christians we
can be Internet Missionaries. We can be a light in an otherwise
WWW. Our Web Pages can be an amazing Evangelical Tool to reach a
unique & different audience than you would find with
Christians or in the
Church. Some people may suggest that we should throw out the
"baby with
the bath water". But instead of throwing it out we can also
use this tool
to share the Love and Forgiveness that our Lord and Savior Jesus
gave us by dying on the Cross as a PERFECT sacrifice for our SIN.
use our gifts and talents that the Lord has given us to reach the
for Him. "His ways are not our ways, neither are His
our thoughts."
good is a "Home on the Internet" without the right key
to open the door?
said "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man
hear my
voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will
sup with him and he with me." Rev 3:20
Do you have that key in your life to open the door of your heart?
Do you know what a Christian is?
Would you like to become one?
Click on the key below to find out.
You have such a WONDERFUL opportunity!
You can
use your web site to share
the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
you are interested in making your own Holiday pages and
learn how you can influence the Internet for the Lord.
my: Annie's Bee An Internet
Missionary Page
So you want to make a Christmas Home
Page too
Related Pages by Annie
Annie's Computer Hints Page ~ Do you have a signature
on your Email? If not and if you don't know how then visit
this page where you can learn how. You can find tips and hints
here too. This page has info on email, fonts, banners, freeware,
shareware and more. What an opportunity we have to encourage
others through our email. You can add a scripture reference
and your homepage URL to make it easier for others to find your
page quickly.
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots This is a page lists all
related graphics links pages by category for you!
Annie's Tips on Outlook and Front Page Express Page This is a page that gives tips for the programs that Annie uses.
"So you want to make a Christmas Home Page too" - Here is the place to find Christmas graphics and other things to help you make your own page. Your page is a great opportunity to share your faith with others. Hope you like my new page.
is my Holiday Banner:
If you would
like to link to my Annie's Holiday Page, please
download the banner to your computer and link to this page:
Send a FREE Email Greeting Card today. Create your card now &
then choose the day that you want it sent.
Visit: Annie's Card Shop
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1999 - 2006 Annie's Home Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the
Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
Cute Spring Graphics from
Cute Countryside Graphics. Annie's
Holiday Webring Page. This site hosted by:
Christian Web Host. Silent
No Right Click Script from Dynamic Drive. For Instructions
visit: Annie's "How to Add Silent No
Right Click Script" Page