Annie's "So you want to make a Christmas Home Page too" Page
Let me invite you to visit with me
at my house.
Just walk past the fence .......................
Everyone's home is a little bit different. But everyone tries to be
This year I decorated the outside for the holidays too.
Please come in the front door. It's cold out there.
You can warm up by the fireplace.
Now lets sit down
and discuss what you want your new HOME to look like.
You can decorate it any way you wish.
Be creative. You are only limited by your own imagination.
Have you decided what your home page will
look like yet?
Make sure you take the time to write
down all your thoughts.
OK! Now lets get started. Shall we?
To make a Christmas Home Page
are going to need a few things:
scripture verses, a theme, graphics,
a plan,
music, fonts, links and more!
Sharing your faith with others on your Home Page:
How can I share "My Faith" with others on my Home Page? As Christians we have a real opportunity to share the salvation message on our pages. On our holiday pages it is even more important. You will have alot of visitors during the holidays who might never otherwise visit a Christian site. How are you going to present the gospel? Here are a few ideas: This is the best present I can give you Now add a link under the present to "The Four Spiritual Laws" site. OR What
is a Christian and How can I become one? This is what I put on my main Christmas page: This Christmas I would like you to receive the most important gift I can give you.
What I want to give you is "Salvation". It is a FREE gift from God. "For by GRACE are you saved through faith, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9. Here is a link to "The Four Spiritual Laws" part of Campus Crusade for Christ. This page and site will follow up on your decision if you become a Chrisitian and they have wonderful resources. You can click here and read my personal testimony at "Annie's Testimony Page". All the presents in the world won't matter if you spend eternity in hell. Don't put it don't know what tomorrow may bring. Do you know what you would say if you tomorrow you died, you got to heaven and they asked you "Why should we let you in?" Believe me a long laundry list of all the good things you did isn't enough. Because nothing of your own merit will get you to heaven.....the only way is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. |
And here is one more simple salvation messages... It's as easy as ABC to
give your heart All you have to do is: |
and ask the Lord to direct your mind and thoughts while you are
creating your page. He will do it. God is good and He does answer
prayer. The Lord gives me the wonderful ideas that I have used in
creating my pages. When the ideas come I just have to grab a pen
and paper and write them down. Remember
what Psalm 32:8 says:
"I will instruct you and teach
you in the way which thou shalt go
I will guide you with mine eye."
Help for making your Home Page:
you have created pages before then these graphics links below
will inspire you.
BUT if you are a beginner and this is your FIRST page:
You might want to start at some of
my other pages..........
Annie's Bee an Internet Missionary
Annie's Simple Guide for Home Page
Annie's Computer Hints Page
Annie's Holiday Page
Annie's Tips on Outlook and Front
Page Express Page
Annie's "Start Your Holiday
Pages" Page
Looking for Holiday Graphics: My graphics
links pages are listed further down the page
Special Christmas Fonts:
This Font is called
"Candy Cane
If you are not
seeing a font above that looks like a candy cane you can go HERE and download the zip file
and then install it in your fonts folder. BTW the rest of the
page is in "Comic
Sans MS" my favorite font and the one I have
chosen to use throughout my site. You can download this font FREE
click here.
Christmas Graphics
Animated Gifs
Aren't they just great? You just
save them the same way you do a regular graphic.
gather some graphics to use on your Christmas Page!
for Holiday Graphics:
Annie's Holiday Graphics Page -
January - June
Annie's Holiday Graphics Page - July
- December
can also visit Annie's List of Great
Graphics Sites Page
or Annie's More Great Graphics Page.
Many of the graphics artists add holiday graphics through out the
sure you download the graphics from the sites. Don't know how?
Visit my Annie's
List of Great Graphics Spots and learn
How to Make your own Web Page from About.Com - Kid's Exchange
Adding MUSIC to your Web Page
can minister to our souls. And this is the time to Worship and
Praise our Lord.
Here are some sites with Christmas midi flies:
Join some new Christian webrings.
Check out "Christian" &
I just found a NEW Christian Webring Hosting site:
I have joined 3 Webrings for
Christmas and I have them listed at the bottom of my:
Annie's Christmas Webrings
You can find a listing of all my
Webrings on my new:
Annie's Webring's Page
just wanted to encourage all of you to join different rings and
things. What a wonderful way to tell others we
are "Christians". If some of you are new to the
Internet let me explain this "webring" thing to you.
You don't
have to join them to enjoy them either. A webring has like minded
sites linked together. You can click on the
"List" which will give you all the members in the ring.
Or you can just keep clicking "next" to follow the ring
the way around. Of course all webrings should be viewed with
You might want to make a Christmas
Banner to exchange links with other Christmas pages. I personally
don't know
how to make graphics or banners. Wendy of Wendy's Backgrounds made one
of my Christmas banners visit her
Christmas page: "Happy Birthday Jesus". Lorrie of
The Raven's Nest made the
other Christmas banner for me.
Here is Annie's Christmas Page
you would like to add a link to any of my Christmas pages please
the graphic and don't link directly to my graphics.
The URL is:
I now have a
banner just for this page: Annie's So You Want to Make a
Christmas Homepage Too Page.
Just download the graphic and link to
I have Holiday Pages..............
Visit: "Annie's Why I have Holiday
Pages" Page
~Hope these ideas have helped and inspired you~
see other Christmas Pages By Annie
Visit: Annie's Christmas Welcome Page
And if you are done looking at Christmas..................
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
Copyright 1998 - 2006 Annie's Home
Page. All Rights Reserved.
I thank the Lord for graphics artists without them these pages
would not be the same.
Please visit Annie's
List of Great Graphics Spots for a list
of their links. Some graphics
on this page from: Country Graphics by Camille. This site hosted by: Christian Web Host