Annie's "What
Tool is in Your Hand?" Page
said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
~Matthew 11:28~
What tool is in your hand? How are you using it to further the kingdom of God?
doesn't ask you to do what He doesn't provide the tools and
skills to accomplish.
Ask the Lord to use you and He will. YES God CAN use YOU
too!!!!!!!! One simple act of
kindness can encourage and motivate others. It is kind of
contagious really.
Building up others is never hard if you are doing it as unto the
"And whatsoever ye do in
word or
deed, do all in
the name of the Lord
giving thanks to God and
the Father by him."
~Colossians 3:17~
is another devotional that I read recently that has blessed me
and I wanted to share it with you!!
on the August 19th Devotional from:
"Behold the Lilies of the Field - Daily Devotionals for
Christian Women"
by Susan Schwartz
the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said,
A rod."
~Exodus 4:2~
asked Moses a simple question when Moses was trying to convince
Him that he was not
able to lead His people out of Egypt. The answer to his question
was, "A rod." It was a
simple, yet necessary tool that Moses was familiar with in his
task of herding the sheep.
God asked Moses to cast his rod on the ground and it became a
serpent. When God told
him to pick it up by the tail, it became a rod again. When God
commissioned it for
His service this simple tool became the rod of God. It was used
many times in
proving the power of God.
rod was used to show God's power when Moses called forth the
plagues, to divide the
water of the Red Sea, and later in fighting the battle with the
Amalekites. Moses' rod
did not have mystic powers, but when yielded to God, it was used
to do great things.
ponder this question for yourself. "What is that in thine
hand?" Is it just a simple
tool? Are you just a
baby-sitter, a cleaning person, a nurse, a seamstress, a teacher,
cook, or just someone who does a lot of various tasks with no
title to your name? Are you
willing and happy to use that which is in your hand today, even
though it may just be
simple tool? Are you willing to serve where you are? God can use
you if you are willing to
commission yourself to His service. Use the gifts and abilities
that God has given to you.
Do not be longing for a higher or nobler position. Cheerfully
serve God where He
has put you and with what He has placed in your hands.
does not expect you to serve in matters that you do not have
gifts or resources for.
God blesses according to how you serve rather then what you do.
Seek to improve your
service where you are, using those things that are in your hand
~Above Devotional by Susan Schwartz~
"God has a plan for your life. You can not see what it will
be; He only asks you to lay
down your will so He can work. Place your hand in His today,
surrender your all to Him,
and rise and walk with God. He who holds the future, will plan
the future for you."
~Above Quoted from August 31st Devotional by Susan Schwartz~
today to grab the tools that the Lord has given you and run the
race that HE
puts in front of you. You will never be unequipped if you seek
His guidance and direction!!
Related Link: Tool Time Song a Preschool Unit Study
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