Annie's Thanksgiving Grace Page

Make Faith Your Focus This Thanksgiving!

This year let the children say GRACE for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Encourage them to speak from their heart and thank God for
what He has done for them this year. They can even sing it.
Don't forget that they can even just use an old
stand by like the following:

An Old Favorite Table Grace
God is Great
God is Good
Let us Thank Him for our Food

Another Grace to learn:

"To God who gives our daily bread
A thankful song we raise,
And pray that he who sends us food
May fill our hearts with praise."
~Thomas Tallie (1505 - 1585)~


Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything!
~Edith Rutter Leatham~

Table Blessing

God, we thank you for this food,
For rest and home and all things good;
For wind and rain and sun above,
But most of all for those we love.
~Maryleona Frost~

Another Grace

Father high in heaven,
All by you are fed;
Hear your children thank you
For our daily bread.

You send sun and showers,
Birds sing overhead,
While the corn is growing
For our daily bread.

Thoughts and a few ideas from Annie:

Remember that the best grace is often the one that comes right from the heart and is led by the Holy Spirit. So don't be afraid to pray without a memorized prayer or grace. Here are some other ideas for you. One idea might be to have everyone hold hands and before or after the meal have each person say what they are "thankful" for this year. After dinner and before you leave the table why not pass out different Bible verses about Thanksgiving, then have each person read their verse out loud. Continue until everyone has read a verse. Or you can wait until after the table has been cleared and have a Bible set aside for each person at the table. Give each person just a scripture reference. Have them find the verse in the Bible and then after everyone has found their verse have them read it out loud. You can also have a kind of "show and tell" which the kids will like. Have everyone bring a photo or photos of an event or occasion that they are thankful for and would like to share with others. If photos were not available then a small item or even a picture from a magazine would work out just fine. These are just a few ideas. You and your family can "brainstorm" a few weeks before Thanksgiving. This way you will have some different creative ideas that are more personal and will start some new traditions to carry on and continue each year. So be creative and have a FUN and FAITH filled celebration this year.

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