"Manger" Page
"And this shall
be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
~Luke 2:12~
does the Bible say about the "manger" that Jesus was
laid in?
It is found in only 3 Bible Verses and they are all in the
gospel of Luke:
"And she brought
forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes,
and laid him in a manger; because there was no room
for them in the inn."
~Luke 2:7~
this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
~Luke 2:12~
they came with haste, and found Mary, and
Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger."
~Luke 2:16~
The Dictionary tells us this about the "manger": Main
Entry: man·ger The Dictionary tells us this about the "crèche": Main
Entry: crèche The Dictionary tells us this about the "nativity": Main
Entry: na·tiv·i·ty The Dictionary tells us this about the "crib": Main
Entry: 1crib |
Nave's Topical Bible says this about the "manger":
Luke 13:15 - Rendered
"stall" in
"The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth
not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from
the stall, and lead him away to watering?"
Luke 2:7,12,16 - a feeding box for cattle
"The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth
not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from
the stall, and lead him away to watering?"
Nave's Topical Bible says this about the "stall":
Entry: 1stall
Pronunciation: 'stol
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English steall;
akin to Old High German stal
place, stall and perhaps to Latin locus
(Old Latin stlocus)
Date: before 12th century
1 a :
a compartment for a domestic animal in a stable or barn b
: a space marked off for
parking a motor vehicle
2 a :
a seat in the chancel of a church with back and sides wholly or
partly enclosed b :
a church pew c chiefly
British :
a front orchestra seat in a theater -- usually used in plural
3 :
a booth, stand, or counter at which articles are displayed for
4 :
a protective sheath for a finger or toe
5 :
a small compartment <a shower stall>
Easton's Bible Dictionary says this about "Manger":
(Luke 2:7,12,16), the name (Gr. phatne,
rendered "stall" in Luke 13:15) given to the place where
the infant Redeemer was laid. It seems to have been a stall or
crib for feeding cattle. Stables and mangers in our modern sense
were in ancient times unknown in the East. The word here properly
denotes "the ledge or projection in the end of the room used
as a stall on which the hay or other food of the animals of
travelers was placed." (See INN.)
Smith's Bible Dictionary says this about "Manger":
This word occurs only in (Luke 2:7,12,16) in connection with the
birth of Christ. It means a crib or feeding trough; but according
to Schleusner its real signification in the New Testament is the
open court-yard attached to the inn or khan, in which the cattle
would be shut at night, and where the poorer travelers might
unpack their animals and take up their lodging, when they mere
either by want of means excluded from the house.
song "Away in a Manger"
in a Manger music was written by James R. Murray, 1841-1905. Home has an Away in a Manger page
Away in a Manger - the words to the
traditional song of the same name
Away in a Manger - page with the words and
Away in a Manger History
The History of Away in a
Manger Pages:
Lessons From the Manger
Take a Moment at the Manger
In a Lowly Manger Born
Away In A Manger, by David Padfield
What's Santa got to do with
it? - Some say belief in St. Nick takes children away from the
Craft & Activity Links:
Make a Nativity Scene Setting With
Lincoln Logs
Make a Nativity Scene Setting From
Your Child's Dollhouse
Re-enact the Nativity Scene
Set Up an Outdoor Nativity Scene
Manger- Paper Project - Build a 3D manger with
all the important characters.
Away in the Manger & Jesus Mangers - crafts from Sunday
Away in the Manger by nationally known Artist
Paula Vaughan
Star of Bethlehem
Link from CBN - Star of Wonder - (CBN News) -- Was the
Star of Bethlehem truly a star? Was it a comet? Or was it an
amazing miracle?
Star of Wonder: In Search
of the Christmas Star
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Annie's Christmas Page
Annie's Wisemen Page
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