Annie's "Christmas" Page ~Where It's
Christmas All Year Round~
"And, lo, the
angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone
about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto
them, Fear not: for,
behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to
all people. For
unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which
is Christ
the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the
babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
~Luke 2: 9-12~
This Christmas I would like you to receive the most important gift I can give you.
Here it is. You don't have to shake
it or tear the wrapping paper.
Just click on the present to find out how to become a Christian.
What I want to give you is "Salvation". It is a FREE gift from God. "For by GRACE are you saved through faith, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9. Here is a link to "The Four Spiritual Laws" part of Campus Crusade for Christ. This page and site will follow up on your decision if you become a Christian and they have wonderful resources. You can click here and read my personal testimony at "Annie's Testimony Page".
All the presents in the world won't matter if you spend eternity in hell. Don't put it don't know what tomorrow may bring. Do you know what you would say if you tomorrow you died, you got to heaven and they asked you "Why should we let you in?" Believe me a long laundry list of all the good things you did isn't enough. Because nothing of your own merit will get you to heaven.....the only way is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Have you ever lost a loved one? Are you feeling lonely and sad?
tears seem to drop down your face and you don't know why or you
just can't understand it. I understand. My brother Billy is in
heaven. I miss him very much. I love him. This is only the third
Christmas since he was taken from us. He was killed in a tragic
car accident. Last Christmas I received a lovely verse in my
email. It really blessed my heart and I hope it will comfort you
the way it comforted me.
~A Message
for You from Heaven~
you know someone hurting and in grief this Christmas please share
this with them. Hold them, hug them and just let them cry. It
really does help. Sometimes words can get in the way. Being near
them and letting them know you love them,
really does make a difference.
"How to Cope with Grief and the Holidays" Page
page has some practical ideas on how to make it through the
holidays. There is a section with ways to help someone who is
grieving too.
"People in a hundred languages
sing the joys of Christmas and share their respective countries'
traditions. Austria gave us "Silent Night"; England
contributed the mistletoe ball and wassail; Germany, the
Christmas tree; Scandinavia, the Yule candle and Yule log;
Mexico, the poinsettia plant. These traditions continue to be
celebrated with fresh and innovative ideas."
Minute Family Traditions & Memories by Emilie Barnes~
Do you need Prayer?
Would you like us to pray for you?
Christmas is not an easy time of year for many people. Loneliness and depression abound. You don't have to be alone. Let us help. We can pray for you and be a listening ear.
Visit the Prayer and
the Email Encouragers Page and send in a prayer request.
What is an Email Encourager? The Email Encouragers are Christian's working as a team to offer prayer, comfort, friendship and encouragement to those in need.
I thought that "Xmas" was a bad thing. Didn't you?
"The word Xmas is sometimes
used instead of Christmas. This tradition began in the early
Christian church. In Greek, X is the first letter of Christ's
name. It was frequently
used as a holy symbol." ~from
World Book Encyclopedia~
Let's Take the "X" Out of "Christmas"
Let's take the "X" out of
And let's put Christ in again.
The day's the birthday of a King,
Not that of an unknown man.
The tinsel, the glitter, the
The noise of the parties gay
Have all but obscured the reason
That we celebrate the day.
We surely would not write
For the Christians here on earth,
Then why do many write
For the day of the Savior's birth?
It's an honor that really is due Him
O'er that to a common man,
So let's take "X" out of
And let's put Christ in again.
~Cyril W. Wommac~
OK! Why do you have a Christmas
Page? Jesus wasn't born on Christmas was He?
Isn't it a Pagan holiday too?
I have some really good links that
explain all about the holiday on this Page:
Christmas History Page
Please remember to always:
"Prove all things hold fast that which is good."
~1Thes 5:21~
Learn to say Christmas in many different languages. The Logos Dictionary even says the word for you and will direct you to other sites relating to the word.
Joyeux Noel is Merry
Christmas in French!
Jul and Weihnachten
"Merry Christmas" in Spanish is
Feliz Natal is
Merry Christmas in Portugese!!
Check this site below it lists many
many languages:
Christmas in 120 Languages
Here is Annie's Christmas Page Banner:
If you would like to add a link to
any of my Christmas pages please DOWNLOAD the graphic to your own
computer. Please do not link directly to my graphics, it uses my
bandwidth and I am charged for it. Then link to . Make sure
you email Annie with a link
to your page. This way I can see where my pages and I have
traveled. Have a wonderful holiday season.
~Merry Christmas From Annie~
not send a Christmas Email card now and post date it for
Christmas Card Page
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