NOW we will have Randomly
Selected EE Pages instead of one featured monthly EE. I
have added this to almost all of the EE pages. Just
follow on down the page for the Random EE Button for you
to enjoy.
is the Featured Email Encourager
~For the month of May~

I have decided to do a Random Selected EE Link. This way
all the different EE pages will be visited. It would have
been hard and taken for ever to feature all the EE's.
Email Encourager
~For the month of March~

Leah is our "EE
Helper - for Logos & Home
Pages" and has been an EE for quite a while
now. So if you need help with adding the logo to
your web page just check with Leah. She is a
homeschooling mom of an ADHD child and a trained
christian educator. House2House Ministries is designed
to provide resources and training to assist
families and small groups to understand, teach, and apply
the Word of God to every day life. It is the home
of Praying Moms prayer group for
women. Make sure you read Leah's EE
can also find the featured EE on my
main page!
Email Encourager
~For the month of January~

Kathy has been an EE for quite a while. She has a burden
to share the "Good News of the Gospel" with
others through the Internet. Here is her page: Kathy's Place. Make sure you
read Kathy's EE Paragraph. Kathy is also co
founder of In the Twinkling of
an Eye.
Email Encourager
~For the Month of November~

Fern has been an EE for quite a while. She has a personal
ministry to those
suffering with Chronic Illness as well as being one of
the EE's. So if you
yourself are dealing with health problems or know someone
who is then
please share Fern's ministry with them. Here is her page:
The Refiner's Fire. Make sure you
read Fern's EE Paragraph.
Email Encourager
~For the Month of October~

Becky Taylor has been an EE for
quite a while now. She has a personal burden to see a
Bible in the hands of every one that wants one. So if you
yourself would like a Bible or know of someone that wants
one please share Becky's ministry with them. Here is her
page about the FREE Bibles: Life after Death. Just send her an
email and she will send you a Bible. Make sure you read
Becky's EE Paragraph and don't forget
to check out her Lamb's Grafix page.
EE's for the Month of September ~

Peter and Vikki
Hart have not been EE's long but
they are our first "EE Couple". They are from
Australia. We all know that is where the Olympics will be starting
this Friday. They will be attending the games and taking
part in the wonderful evangelism opportunity that the
Lord has provided for them. Please pray for them as you
watch the Olympics. Pray for the Lord
to open hearts and doors while arranging divine
appointments. Make sure you read their EE Paragraph.
EE for the Month of August~

This month is Pat Davila. We are all so proud of you Pat.
Keep on praying for and encouraging others on the
internet. I am so glad that you are listening to the
still small voice of the Lord that is prompting you to
help others in your own special and unique way.
Email Encourager
~For the Month of August~

Pat Davila has been an EE for
quite a while now. She was recently featured in a
newspaper article! Read about how Pat is impacting Brazil
with the love of the Lord and How Can You Help?. It all started by
an email prayer request that she replied to. For the rest
of the story visit: Pat's Brazil Page.
you have an EE that you feel I should feature please send
me their name and URL so that I can check it out. If you
can also share why the Lord has placed them on your heart
it would be greatly appreciated. Just send the info to
Love Annie
Visit: Annie's Email
Encouragers Welcome Page
to see a listing of all the
different EE Pages.