"Winter Olympics" Page
~2010 Winter XXI
Olympics will be in Vancouver, Canada~
Opening Ceremony was on February 12th, 2010
Olympics was officially from February 12th - 28th, 2010!
Olympic Related News:
Full Coverage on Olympics from Yahoo News
International Olympic
Vancouver 2010 Winter
Olympic Games
The Olympics Began Friday February 12th, 2010
Inside the Opening Ceremony from NBC's Olympic Site
I have decided
to keep the "no right click" script but not to have
open in a new window. So don't forget to use your
"BACK" button!
Please remember to wait so the full page loads!
You will find
lots of great links; TV listings and Olympics News on this page.
I will be adding to this page on a daily basis. So stop back by
Did you know that you CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE?
Yes, you can
make a difference in this year's Winter Olympics. You can be a
of changing someone's life forever. Ok. You are probably saying
"What can I do?
I can't go there. What are you talking about?"
I am talking about PRAYER. Every Christian can be praying.
What else can you do as a Christian? Check my suggestions below.
are a few practical things that any Christian can do
during the Olympics right from their home:
1: As
you watch the games pray for each participant. Pray for their
If they are believers then pray for their walk with the Lord.
2: Pray for the safety of the athletes.
3: Pray for those that are in Vancouver, Canada for Outreach and
4: Pray for the Lord to give the workers divine appointments.
Pray that the Lord
would open and prepare the hearts of those that need to hear the
Word of God
and the message of salvation.
5: Consider have a small gathering with other believers. You can
watch the events
together and pray in agreement for the athletes and workers.
6: Have a few visitors over that are not Christians. Share with
them what the
real "victory" is.
7: Consider renting or borrowing from the library the movie
"Chariots of Fire" a true
story about a Christian and his choices relating to the Olympics
of his time.
8: Use your own thoughts and ideas. You are only limited by your
own imagination.
I will post
the RESULTS for the
TOP 6 Medal Holding Countries Daily!
UNITED STATES ------------ 37 Total
Medals --- 9 Gold -- 15 Silver -- 13 Bronze
GERMANY ------------------- 30
Total Medals -- 10 Gold -- 13 Silver --- 7 Bronze
CANADA -------------------- 26
Total Medals -- 14 Gold --- 7 Silver --- 5 Bronze
NORWAY ------------------- 23
Total Medals --- 9 Gold --- 8 Silver --- 6 Bronze
AUSTRIA ------------------- 16
Total Medals --- 4 Gold --- 6 Silver --- 6 Bronze
RUSSIA -------------------- 15
Total Medals --- 3 Gold --- 5 Silver --- 7 Bronze
Medals Page on NBC Olympics Site - Last
Updated 2/28/2010 5:00PM ET~
Fun Stuff:
- Games and Activities with the Mascots!
Scholastic has this page about: Origin and History of
the Olympic Games
Annie's Card Shop has: Sports Cards & Sports - Winter Sports Cards too!
Jake's Olympic Scramble
& Jakes Olympic Scramble
Answers Page
Check out the Daily Events on
Graphic Garden has some really great new
Olympic Linkware Graphics.
Stop by her site and see how you too can use them on your site!!
Olympic Daily
2/24/10 - After mother's sudden
death, Olympic skater wows crowd
Full Coverage on Olympics from Yahoo News
Make sure you also visit: Annie's News Sources Page
Here is the Olympics link for the Ananova News
Yahoo News: 2010 Vancouver Coverage & Winter Olympics & Olympics & Figure Skating
Olympic Links:
Christian Olympics News Items:
2/22/10 - An Olympian speaks about
faith after injury
OLYMPICS- Sharing coffee
& Good News
OLYMPICS- Hospital visit
leads to salvation experience for American bobsledder
OLYMPICS- Clark wins bronze
in halfpipe
Missionaries Spread Good
News at the Olympics
2/14/10 - Baptist to be Olympics
& BP writers to cover Winter
2/12/10 - OLYMPICS- American speedskater says
'even the wild guy can find the light'
2/12/10 - YWAM Vancouver & YWAM Vancouver Prayer & Check out their
Twitter Page
Olympics News from BPSports
Sports Ministry Links:
CrossSearch.Com Sports
BPSports will have a section for
the Olympics News
Speed Skaters Race with a
Bigger Perspective
Olympics- Faith Stirs
Women's Bobsled Duo to "Work Stuff Out"
Lessons From The Downhill
Sports News Links:
Baptist Press is now covering Sports at BP Sports - Olympics
evangelists win hearts
Olympic Links:
International Olympic Committee
NBC Sports Section
Olympic Pages for Kids:
Interesting Olympic Facts & History of the Modern
Kid's Domain offers a Sports Page & Olympics Page
Jake's Olympic Scramble
& Jakes Olympic Scramble
Answers Page
NEW - Winter Olympic Crafts & Silly Olympic Games & Olympic Crafts & Winter Olympic Activities
and Games
NEW - Winter Olympics Coloring
Book - About Homeschool - Homeschooling ...
NEW - winter coloring pages free
printable coloring book pages snowmen snow winte...
NEW - Worming into the Olympics |
Kids News for Kids > World News for ...
NEW - Olympic Crafts & Quiz- What's Your Winter
Olympics IQ- & Sports Printables
NEW - Snow Sports Printables & Winter Sports & Bikes and Boards Printables & Sports Icons
NEW - Winter Games &
Activities for Kids & Fun Winter Links & Online Winter Games
NEW - Winter Olympics - Lots of fun links and
activities to print or play online
NEW - Olympics Crafts Page & Coloring Pages - Winter
Olympic Coloring 2010
Weather for Vancouver, BC, Canada
To add weather to your own site click here
TV Olympics Links & Listings:
Olympic TV
NBC is the network that is
covering non stop Olympics Events TV Listings Page or TV
Guide Online
TV Guides Olympic Vancouver
- good page to check regularly
Kristi Yamaguchi Predicts
Great Olympics for U.S.
TV Channels will be showing Olympic Coverage?
Network Channels that will be showing Olympic Sports in Vancouver
NBC, CNBC, BBC, USA, MSNBC, Universal Sports & UHD
And will offer unprecedented
access to events, with 400 hours of online coverage.
Eleven things to watch for
during Vancouver's Opening Ceremony
Articles about the TV Coverage of the Olympics:
Vancouver winter Olympics
television coverage on the BBC ...
Network gears up to cover
an Olympic marathon - Vancouver ...
TV Gears Up for 2010 Winter
Related Pages:
Annie's Winter Welcome Page
Annie's Winter Page
Annie's Snow Page
Annie's Winter Symbols
& Things Page
Annie's Winter Sports Page
Annie's Winter Links &
Activities Page
Next in 2012 - Summer Olympics
My son Jake's NEW Related Pages:
Jake's Olympic Scramble
Jakes Olympic Scramble
Answers Page
Email Cards from Annie's Card Shop:
Send a Dog-Sled Racing or Skidoo Email Greeting to your
favorite athlete!
Send a friend one of these neat and often interactive free email
cards to enjoy!!
A Puzzle For U... or Snowflake Catching Game... or Winter Full Of Fun...
Or just send a regular "Sports" card. Check out all the different sports cards we
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
2000 - 2010 Annie's Home Page. All
Rights Reserved. I thank the Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
The Cute Winter Kids Graphics on this page
are from Cute
Colors Graphics. And the Olympic Graphics are
Linkware from Graphic Garden
& Clock from Vikimouse. Silent
No Right Click Script is from Dynamic Drive. This site hosted by:
Christian Web Host. For Instructions on how
to add the no right click script visit:
Annie's "How to Add Silent No
Right Click Script" Page.
For a Listing of the Rest of my Pages: