Father's Day Page |
ye fathers, provoke not your
children |
Father's Day, first celebrated on June 19, 1910, was originated by Sonora Louise Smart Dodd of Spokane. |
Our fathers impact our lives in more ways then we will ever know. Little boys "copy" or "imitate" their Daddies. Little boys try to walk and talk just like their daddies. Have you ever seen a child walk with daddy's big shoes on? Little girls look up to their daddies to love them. It is said that the love a father shows his daughter reflects the type of man she will marry. But not all our fathers are the IDEAL fathers. Not all of you have grown up in a Christian or Godly homes. It is so unfortunate that many people have a hard time understanding about God as "Our Heavenly Father" because their Father's were alcoholics, physically abusive, verbally abusive, hateful, absent or ruthless. But the actions of the father don't have to even be that obvious. They can be controlling, unkind, always at work or just insensitive.
Not all of you have happy memories of a father that cared enough to give you good things or to spend time with you. Father's don't realize that "where their treasure is there their heart will be also". And if a child thinks that "Daddy cares more about his job then he does about them"; then the child will go seeking attention or love in all the wrong places. Remember even if you don't say it out loud the child will know by watching. For what you care about you spend the most time doing. How many hours do you spend at the office? Here is a story of a father and son in the Bible: Lets
look at the "Prodigal Son" or the Parable of
the Lost Son.
The father had two sons. One stayed and was an obedient son. The other son asked for his part of his father's fortune. Then he went and squandered it all. He spent all the money and had nothing left. He was feeding the pigs and living in squalor. So he decided that he would be better off going back home and being a servant in his fathers home. His father say him coming back home from afar. Instead of giving his son a lecture about what a terrible thing he had done and maybe even disowning him.......the father opened up his arms and forgave his son. Without one word of criticism!!! This was not all the father did, he did even more then just forgiving him........he told the servants to "bring forth the BEST". They were going to celebrate the sons return. Our Father is Heaven loves us just like that. We are the prodigal children and He is our Father. He wants to give us "good things" and show us His unconditional love for us. He knows all about our unspoken and our overt sins or omission BUT He still LOVES us. That is called UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You don't have to be a father to show UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to your children. Mothers need to do this too. What we do and say.........what we don't do or say DOES make a difference in our children's lives. And what they see they will imitate. The Bible tells Husbands to love their wives like Christ love the Church. Don't be afraid to SHOW and EXPRESS your love for each other as parents. Children need to see that. Children NEED to HEAR and SEE the LOVE you as a FATHER have for them. It doesn't matter if you are 4 or even 40.......we all need to be loved and accepted UNCONDITIONALLY.
ye fathers, provoke not your
children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord." Fathers are to "Provoke not your children to wrath". Isn't the Lord so wonderful. In the Scriptures every time that the Lord says "DO NOT" He always tells us what to do. So if fathers are not suppose "to provoke"--what are they suppose to do? Well the next part of the verse is this "BUT bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." I challenge you to do nurture and teach your children with LOVE. That UNCONDITIONAL kind of Love. Don't use the old standby when your child asks a question---"Do what I say and not what I do" |
Before you fall asleep tonight Dad....why not read the Bible together with your Children before they go to bed. It isn't enough your you to just give your children a Bible. They need to see you reading your own Bible and hear you take turns reading it out loud with them. And while you are at it how about saying their prayers with them too!!!
Use this as an example of
how you as a Father should start your day. "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." Mark 1:35 How do you start your day? |
man can be a Father, |
from Webster's
Dictionary |
times even Daddy's |
good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's |
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 "As ye know how we exhorted and
comforted and charged every one of you,
as a father doth his children."
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