Thanksgiving Lesson

November is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Many years ago the pilgrims thanked God with a special
feast because He brought them out of a place where they
couldnt worship Him the way that they wanted to. He
gave them a new home where they had freedom to worship
on our way to a holiday feast especially for you. Are you
Lets dig into Gods word

"Enter His Gates
its Thanksgiving"
time to prepare the turkey!

Hey, I have an idea, while were taking off the
turkeys feathers, lets use them to count
Gods blessings. We have so much to be thankful for.
Lets count the benefits of knowing God and Jesus
His son. (This is based on Psalm 103)
What can we thank God for?
Bible tells us in Psalm 103 a whole list of things.

Feather #1
103:3 God forgives all your sins!!! Have you ever gotten
up to play baseball and you got three strikes and were
out? Weren't you upset when you didn't get another turn.
You knew your turn was up and it was too late to try
again. Not with God, when we mess up and do something
that doesnt please Him we can go to Him and tell
Him and the bible says - He always forgives us. It's not
three strikes and youre out with Jesus. It's an
unlimited amount of mercy and grace to all His children.

Feather #2
heals us! Psalm 103:3B - He heals all your diseases! Have
you ever gotten sick and a loved one prayed for you and
you got better? Have you ever heard a praise report on
someone who prayed the prayer of faith and God brought
healing? God is able to heal our sicknesses. And even on
this earth if we have to be sick until God calls us home,
He promises we're going to a place where there is no more
sickness or crying. We may have to wait until we get our
new bodies in heaven to be totally healed but still God
promises healing to every one of us. Hearts, minds and

Feather #3
has compassion on us. Psalm 103:13 "As a father has
compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on
those who fear Him;" What is compassion? Its
really when someone else can feel your pain. God always
feels for us. He feels bad when we do and cares about all
our needs. A mother or father who truly loves their child
will go through everything they go through. If they do
bad in school and feel sad, if a friend is mean to them -
a father or mother will feel that pain. So does Jesus
feel everything we go through in this life. God is our
parent when we don't have any parents on earth!!

Feather #4
took our punishment for sin. Psalm 103:10 He does not
treat us as our sins deserve. Our sins deserve
punishment, but instead Jesus took our punishment on the
cross so God will never punish us. If we confess our sins
and continue to believe and follow Jesus He promises us
forgiveness - not punishment. Instead he throws our sins
away v.12 as far as the east is from the west so far has
He removed our transgressions from us. When you go to God
in prayer and say Jesus I messed up again, I got angry or
I lied - it's like he takes a big eraser and gets rid of
that sin from our hearts. He's the lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world. Happy are those who are called
to His supper! Keep going forward and youll see the
banquet table that waits for us in heaven!

Feather #5
has great love for us. "For as high as the heavens
are above the earth, so great is His love for those who
fear him;" God has so much love for us. The Bible
says if you could measure His love (which you cannot
because there is no end to it) it would be like the
distance between the heavens to the earth. The heavens
don't go just as far as you can see the sky -- but they
go on and on and on. Nobody loves us as much as the Lord.
Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Maybe you have a friend or a brother who doesn't always
love you the way that they should -- well give thanks to
the Lord whose love for you is a trillion miles wide and
high and deep!

You must be full by now. When we eat, eat, eat,
Gods word it gives nourishment to our spirits. But
hey, would you like to come over for Thanksgiving? The
turkeys in the oven.
to the banquet feast of the Lord!!! Oh, we forgot to tell
you. We can give thanks to the Lord especially for
promising us a special seat at his table in heaven! When
we give our lives to Jesus He promises us that well
live with Him forever in heaven some day. It will be like
a big Thanksgiving feast in heaven! (Based on scripture -
My father has granted me a kingdom and I have granted
each and every one of you a place at my table in that
We counted our feathers and remembered your blessings. We
thanked you for each and every one of them! What a
wonderful Thanksgiving day weve had!!