Annie's More Travels Page

Well its time to pack another suitcase.

We ran out of room. I always take too many clothes when I travel. Kind of like my
purse.......I have everything but the kitchen sink in it. You never know what you
may need. Spoken like a true pack rat. So call your travel agent and book your
flight arrangements. The cold weather is here, lets get away to a nice warm
climate. Even if it is just for a few weeks.


I am sure you have seen many disclaimers before. Here is mine: God's Word says
to "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good" 1 Thes. 5:21 KJV. On the
net as in life, we should be wise and have discernment when traveling. Just because
a site says it is Christian doesn't mean it lines up with God's Word doctrinally.
Finally, I believe the Lord directs our steps and paths.....yes even our net surfing.
So pray for wisdom, use discretion, and have fun on your adventure with the Lord.


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Here is the banner to my little place on the web. If you would like to add
me to your banner page or list of links I would be honored.
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Here are some great detours to take on your travels:

21st Century Worship
Atlantis Station
Abuse of Trust: When Faith and Parenting Fail
B & J Productions
Barter Amigo - Learn how to witness in Spanish!
Believers Hope Pen Pal Friends
Christ in Our Families
Christ's Central Station
Christian Links for Kids & Teens - they have a free filter program.
Cybergrace Christian Network
Christian Forums
Christian Internet Resources - "Where the Son shines"
Ed Carter's Ramblings
Encouragement For You
First Sheaf of the Harvest
Fenton's Inspiration, Humour & Cartoons
Graham's Home Page
Grant's Graceland
He Invites
Home School Discount Store
In His Service
Internet Christians Unite
Jesus Folks - Christian Start Page & Online Community
Joy Ministries
Just for Women
NEW - 5/9/03 -
Karl Kohlhase
Operation Hosea: The Prayer Warriors Network
P.S.A.L.M. Please Sing A Lively Melody
Pure Desire - "Over come sexual bondage and be free in Jesus Christ..."
Rick's Homepage
Rick's Free Stuff
Sands of Time
Senior Square
Sermons on the Internet
Throckmorton -
Someone's Prayin' - a free song mp3 download
Someone Still Cares--God Cares
Songs of Praise
Scott's Home Page
Saved by Grace Ministries
Sowers of Good Seed - Tract Ministry
The Awakening
The Grace Place
The Omnilist of Christian Links--Gold
Trusting in God
"T" Time for Mom's and Dad's (Tea and Tee)
Trumpet Of The LORD Ministries
WGHATAP Ministries
Within The Ark Ministries
Walking With The Lord

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