"Mir Descent" Page
They say that
you don't really have to worry about MIR falling on your head.
12:58AM Friday March 23rd, 2001 has completed re-entry!!!
to crash into the southern Pacific Ocean on Friday at about 0630
GMT & 1:30AM ET.
It will not be visible in the skies of the US unless of course
there are problems.
Mir Complete Coverage- Click Here For Hourly Updates from
--- "The last of the trio of braking
impulses is set to begin shortly after midnight (12:07 a.m. EST;
05:07 GMT; 8:07 a.m. Moscow time). This final firing will bring
the station down before it can make another orbit around the
planet. As Mir plunges into the thicker part of Earth's
atmosphere, the heat and friction will first tear away the
station's solar panels and cause the station's fuel tanks to
explode. There is still a 2-percent chance that Mir will spin out
of control during deorbiting, according to the Korolev center's
chief ballistics expert, Nikolai Ivanov. Theoretically, the
station can go into an uncontrolled dive anywhere between 52
degrees north and 52 degrees south latitude, Ivanov said -- a
zone that is home to five out of six of Earth's
10:25 p.m. EST Thursday, March 22:
Lycos News - Counting Down --- "Japan has a serious case of the jitters ahead of the planned re-entry of the Russian space station Mir. (AP)"
ITN - "No one can control or predict exactly what will happen - but they know some big chunks - weighing around five to 10 tonnes each - will reach Earth. The slightest miscalculation could send parts of flaming space junk raining down over Australia or Japan - instead of falling into the Pacific Ocean as planned......."
BBC - "Russia has given final details of how it intends to bring down the redundant Mir space station. The platform is now set to crash into the southern Pacific Ocean on Friday at about 0630 GMT & 1:30AM ET."
SkyNews - "As Mirs final farewell approaches, nations like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Fiji, Tonga and Chile have all issued some kind of watch out warnings to their population...." -- Posted 8:30PM 3/21/01
ABC -- "Station Debris Will Take 40 Minutes to Hit Earth."
--- Reentry Forecast --
3/22/01 @ 12:30AM
First burn: 7:33 p.m.
EST (00:33 GMT) for 20 minutes
Second burn: 9:02 p.m.
EST (02:02 GMT) for 20 minutes
Third burn: 12:30 a.m.
EST (05:30 GMT) for 23 minutes
Impact time: 1:30 a.m.
EST (06:30 GMT)
Impact center: 44.2 °
of south latitude and 150.4 ° of west longitude
Below Quoted from Sky News - 3/20/01 @ 4:30PM:
Mir News Story
3/23/01 - PM - Fiery Crash
Mir Makes Fiery Plunge Into
Mir returns to Earth with
fiery plunge into Pacific
3/8/01 - Mutant fungus from space
Mir Descent
Related Links:
Web Cast of Mir Reentry
SpaceDaily.Com- Space
Mir Space Station
Where Is Mir Now?
Russian Space Agency
NASA's Mir tracker
Russian MIR Space Station -- from PBS & Nova --
don't miss the Take a Tour of Mir page which is a VR tour of
the MIR Space Station
News Site
Coverage of Mir:
CNN- Mission Mir
Houston Chronicle Space
New York Times- Space
Station Mir - must register
Historical highlights of
Mirs notable events
The Mir space station from The Guardian
Space Related
International Space Station
ABC SciTech News
BBC Science News
CNN Tech- Space
European Space Agency
NASA Space Science News
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