"Halloween Printables" Page
~Pumpkins & Jesus from Sharon~
Pumpkins & Jesus
P is for the people that Jesus
came to save
U is for the unconditional love
to each one He gave
M is for the message that we
should all be sharing
P is for the priceless gift God
above showed he is caring
K is for the King of Kings
I is for insight He brings
N is for the nails in His hands
S is for our Savior who gave
His life so that we could stand.
So when you see a pumpkin
don't think about some guy
named Jack. Instead
remember Jesus Christ, Lord
of Lords, who is one day
coming back.
~ Author Unknown ~Submitted by: Sharon Coles
White Dove Ministries
Pumpkin & Jesus Idea:
If you have
any questions please contact: Sharon
Thank you Sharon for sharing this with all of us!!!
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