Annie's Halloween Links Page

~A Christian Perspective on the Holiday~
I have designed my pages with the 640 x 480 screen size in mind.

As you leave to follow the links, please remember that we always need to use discernment and wisdom as we travel on the Internet. The links below have more detailed information than I have space for. I have tried to give you learning sites only and not sites that glorify the evil of the holiday. They are not all Christian sites.

"Prove all things hold fast that which is good"
~1 Thes. 5:21 KJV~

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.".......Romans 12:2 KJV


I do not necessarily agree with all everything included in the links listed on this page but felt it was interesting and informative. If you do follow the links please remember to have wisdom and discernment.

The Dark side of Halloween --"And after a thorough study of Halloween
I know why I felt that way because BENEATH HALLOWEENS CANDY
Chick Tracts: Chick Tracts are a great witnessing tool all year round.
Halloween is a great time to share your faith with others and these tracts will
help you do that. Here are a few of their tracts for Halloween:
Happy Halloween - "It was supposed to be a fun Halloween, visiting a "Haunted
House" for a great scare. But when an accident claims a boy's life, his friends
learn there is a real hell waiting for all those who die without Jesus."
Vampires: Hollywood is pushing them: But are they Real? & BOO!!!
Halloween: Kids's Treat or Pagan Trick? & Suggested Chick Tracts for Halloween
Three Halloween Witnessing Ideas - Don't just turn out the lights.
Should Christian's celebrate Halloween? --This page is in Spanish too. They
have suggestions for Christians you might want to check out.
The Trick - "Shows Halloween's origin and real purpose."
Tract passing tips - This will help you if you decide to give out tracts
for Halloween.

More Halloween Links:
The John Ankerberg Show has a web page about Halloween called:
Can Halloween Be an Entirely Innocent Practice? This is a Christian ministry
that deals with cults and false teachings.
Halloween by John MccCarther Jr & Halloween- A Trick or a Treat?
Halloween What It Is From a Christian Perspective &
Halloween- The History of Halloween & Halloween's Occult Connection
The Spirit of Halloween & What is Halloween Really all about?

The Occult Connection & A Probe Mom Looks at Halloween
Little Lamb's Halloween Page - This is a text page full of important
history and scriptures relating to the subject.
The Frightful Facts on Halloween - lots of links and helpful resources

Halloween: The Fantasy and Folklore of All Hallows, American Folklore
Center - This is a page from the US Library of Congress
Halloween! Harmless- or Hazardous? - A Christian page that shares how
Halloween is "satanic" and offers a list of scriptural references to prove it.
Happy Halloween - This page offers a Christian Perspective on
Halloween & Witchcraft by Donna.
Halloween by Exposing Satanism.
Halloween News Item:
Ban Halloween on Sunday, Newfoundland
churches say

Here are some Catholic pages about Halloween: Read the tale of Jack
O'Lantern & Learn about the Christian roots of Halloween (All Hallows Eve)
They have a
Halloween card to send that includes links to their two Halloween
pages listed above. Plus:
How Halloween Can Be Redeemed.
The History Channel has some pages about The History of Halloween.
Halloween: A Christian Perspective at Peggie's Place - See what Peggie
has to say about Halloween!
Cherbear's Halloween Fall Festival Page for Kids
News Items from Christianity Today Online:
Hallowing Halloween
CT Classic: Is Halloween a Witches' Brew?
Weblog: Howling Over Halloween
Answers in Action:
What About Halloween? - Understanding the Implications of Halloween & - Halloween- Oppression Or Opportunity? & - Does the Bible Address Halloween? & - Christians Devise a Number of Alternatives to Halloween
& - Halloween- What's a Christian to Do? & - Redeeming Halloween- The Fear-Not Party
Barb's Halloween Page:
Christian Alternatives to Halloween
Christian Answers for the New Age has these pages Halloween
Witchcraft and a lot more New Age topics are covered there.
Halloween Safety: Safety Alert from CPCS. If you do decide to have
your kids trick or treat make sure that they will be safe by
a visit to this page.
A Chick Tract Trick or Treat TREAT by my friend Jennifer! She has
shared a simple practical and easy way to share the plan of salvation
with others during the halloween evening.
Halloween - An Invitation to the Occult? - A Bible study in Real Audio
form online from Chuck Missler of
Koinonia House. Or you can read their
online text articles on
Halloween too.
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? from Amazing Facts
End Times Ministry

A Halloween and Occult Book from Logos Resource Pages which shows
the truth about the holiday from an occult and historical perspective
and written for parents in text form.

Christian Tract for Halloween - Quote from her site: "I developed this
tract to be handed out with Life Saver or Gummi Saver
candy to trick-o-treaters when they come to your house on Halloween. ..."
Site traffic is heavy so you may need to try more then once to get to it.
Halloween: Its Origins And Customs - from The Jeremiah Project

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high [places]."
Ephesians 6:12~

The links below are not Christian links. It is always nice to know what
the other side of the story is. This is just for the purposes of education
ONLY. I do NOT endorse the pages at all and I suggest that parents ONLY
read them and then decide for yourself if you want your children reading
this. The pages are written from the point of view that it IS an "innocent"
holiday and feel that all the Christian sites about the holiday are wrong.

Here are 2 different pages from a PRO Halloween point of view:
You Call It Hallowe'en... We Call It Samhain
The Real Origins of Halloween 3.5.1

"Prove all things hold fast that which is good"..........1 Thes. 5:21 KJV

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.
".......Romans 12:2 KJV

If you think that I am just a little off the mark why not see how many
"witch" related sites are listed in the
Top 100 religion sites.

Annie's Halloween Pages are the Featured Site of the week 10/29/01
The Believer's Weekly!!!
What a pleasant and appreciated surprise!

Featured 2000 Site of the Week by Christian Teens at

If you are looking for information about "Pokemon" or "Harry Potter"
or other Current topics and whether a Christian should be involved
with this type of behavior then visit:
Annie's Christian News Page

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