Halloween Email Page
they wrote letters by them after this manner;
The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting
unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles
in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:"
~Acts 15:23~
This is the fifth season for my Halloween pages. I have received
LOTS of Halloween email. Not all of it has been "kind".
Some of the negative email is even from Christians.
The Halloween page was my first holiday page and it was the most difficult to complete. I have tried to take all of the "regular" American holidays and create pages from a Christian perspective. I use them to teach and educate the public about the REAL history behind each holiday. Many homeschool families use them for unit studies.
The Halloween pages have caused quite a stir. Each person seems quite impassioned by the subject. I really didn't have any idea of how much emotion a page could create.
My objective was NOT to JUDGE others. That is not my responsibility. We are all accountable for our own actions to the Lord. As Christians we have the Holy Spirit who does the convicting in our lives. We have the Scriptures to teach and guide us. So what Annie thinks really doesn't matter at all. If someone has a desire to change and changes comes from other peoples opinions then it will never last. Real change will only last if the Lord burdens you to do it. Rules and regulations are not what being a Christian is all about. "To whom much is given much is required". We are all accountable for our own actions and each one of our words.
As I have mentioned my opinion is irrelevant and I am not trying to judge anyone. What really matters is what the Bible says because it is the inspired Word of God.
first year that I posted my Halloween page, I received 3
different kinds of email from the visitors to my Halloween page.
Generally, the breakdown of email
went this way:
10% Christians who were upset
15% were self professed wiccan, witches and/or pagans
FIRST: Christians who liked the page. They either knew about the history and agreed with me, OR they were Christians that didn't know about Halloween. After reading the information they now agree with my thoughts and appreciate me for taking the stand that I have taken.
SECOND: Self professed Wiccan, Witches, and Pagans who DON'T agree with me. They sent very hateful email to me. They questioned my motivation for having a page like that. A lot of emails said that I must not be a good Christian if I have such a hateful attitude and don't show "Christian love" to everyone. We still have the privilege of FREE SPEECH here in the United States and we can put up pages with our thoughts and opinions.
FOOTNOTE: 9/28/00 - I did receive a THANK YOU email from a Wiccan who thanked me for the pages and my "accepting attitude".
THIRD: Christians who think it is a simple innocent holiday. They celebrate Halloween and think I am making a big deal about it. My page is not a measuring stick of whether they are a "good" Christian. God is the only one who truly knows our hearts. Many of them are really upset and angry. It appears that something must be happening in their hearts and minds to get them so upset about the page by projecting their anger at me. The Lord seems to be convicting them. They think I am judging them but of course I have never even met them. It is not my intention or responsibility to judge other Christians.
If you are a CHRISTIAN I would covet your prayers for my pages and the whole site for that matter. Please pray for my protection and for all the people that visit the pages. Pray that the Lord would bring the people that He want's to come to the pages and to use them for His purpose and plan.
It was difficult to receive some of the mail. I do realize that not everyone who comes to my pages will like them or agree with me. I must also realize that I will get negative and hateful email on a controversial topic. I do receive a small amount of email that is negative. It is hard not to take it personally but I know that I shouldn't dwell on only the negative ones. Sometimes its easy to forget that we can't please everybody all of the time and that we really shouldn't try to anyway. Of course the negative emails do hurt. But this year I will expect them and realize that one negative email doesn't and shouldn't overshadow the positive majority of email.
Before I did this page I never realized that people still practiced the beliefs of witchcraft. That was very naive of me. Now I do believe and know that people still practice these beliefs and that it is not a small minority. It seems to be more mainstream and accepted by society. TV shows and Movies make this lifestyle and belief system look really attractive and appealing.
If you think that I am just a little off the mark and making a big deal over an innocent holiday then why not see how many "witch" related sites are listed in the Top 100 religion sites.
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Ephesians 6:12
Take this time of year to do your own research. Decide for yourself whether you will celebrate this holiday as just an innocent holiday to have fun and dress up.
I think that you might be surprised at the email I have received.
There will be NO more email added to this page so please don't send an email hoping to have yours posted..............
can see some examples of the Halloween Email that I have received
Annie's Halloween Email Examples
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