"Veterans Day" Page
~Celebrated on
November 11th each year~
Thank you to
all of those that have served, & are serving in the American
Armed Forces.
"For the word of
God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even
to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is
a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
~Hebrews 4:12~
your local Newspapers and News Websites for local events
and activities. I have read 20 Freebies and
Discounts for Veterans on Veterans Day. ~Veterans Day~ |
Thank you seems so inadequate. We do
appreciate all that you have done and are doing to make
our country save and free! We are very proud of your sacrifice
for us.
Let's learn some things
about the different branches of the Military.
Mysterious Fathoms
Below - Sub Page! - A Page by my friend
Other Branches of the Military are: National Guard & Reserves!
What do you honor? What do
you respect? Let's start by looking at the definition: honor \Hon"or\, n.
[OE. honor, honour, onour, onur, OF. honor, onor, honur,
onur, honour, How can we show respect to
our Veteran's? Just 2 words would be a good place to
start. "If
any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not
his tongue, "How
sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, Words can hurt us to the
core. Words can also nurture our soul and spirit.
Unexpected We know from the news and
history that during and after almost all the wars the
soldiers were "I
thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Please
take the time to let your Congressmen and Senator know that you
don't want our vets "A
merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a
the Bible we are told that "Faith without works is
dead". Unfortunately there are Christian's | defines "HONOR" this way: honor \Hon"or\, n.
[OE. honor, honour, onour, onur, OF. honor, onor, honur,
onur, honour, onour, |
Interesting stats from the VA site:
present veteran population is estimated at 25.6 million, as of
July 1, 1997. Nearly 80 "of every 100 living
veterans served during defined periods of armed hostilities.
Altogether, almost one-third of the
nation's population -- approximately 70 million persons who are
veterans, dependents and survivors
of deceased veterans -- are potentially eligible for VA benefits
and services."
Why do we celebrate Memorial Day and
Veterans Day?
Aren't they the
same thing?
Memorial Day honors the American
Military who have died in their service for the country.
Veterans Day is to appreciate all who
have served their country both alive and dead.
The Army describes the two holidays at this page: ~US Army Page~
Do you know the Veterans in your
extended family?
Make sure you "thank and
honor" them on this special day.
Veterans Day
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Veterans Day
The Veterans View
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Day History
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Kids Page
Veterans Day Page
Prisoner of War No More! - A freedom devotional by
Veterans Day Angels - to adopt for your web
pages or email
A Salute to the Men
& Women of Our Armed Forces
Veterans Day Crafts
Veterans Day for Children & Veterans Day Quiz
Two Devotionals by Peggie about and for Veterans: "The Things They Carried!" & "Prisoner of War No More!"
10/30/01 - President Bush announces National Veterans Awareness
Week. Check out: Veterans Day November 11 2001 from
Senate Resolution 143 - "Designated the week of November 11
November 17, 2001 as National Veterans Awareness Week....."
What is the ARMOR of God?
Annie's Armor of
and find out.
VA Home
Loan program is available to all
eligible veterans,
you can receive a Good Faith
Estimate from a VA Lender by clicking
you leave don't forget to send a Veteran
a special Email Greeting from Annie's
Card Shop:
Remembrance Day or Veterans Day
Pages by Annie:
Annie's Flander's Field & Poppy
Annie's Memorial Day
Welcome Page - this page lists all the Memorial
Day pages
Annie's Memorial Day Links Page
Annie's Memorial Day Symbols &
Things Page
Annie's Memorial Day Page - has the difference
between Memorial Day
and Veteran's Day along with information on Poppies and Flanders
Annie's Presidents Day Page
Annie's Flag Day Page
Annie's 4th of July Page
Annie's Armor of
Annie's Armed Forces Day Page
Annie's "Write to the
Troops" Page
Annie's Remembrance Day Page - Canadian Holiday
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
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