Annie's "Praying
Mantis & Me" Page
give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, praying always
for you,"
~Colossians 1:3~
Of course the Praying Mantis hasn't read the Bible or learned that we are to "pray without ceasing" but hidden in a prayer closet. We are also not to boast or brag about our prayers either. BUT we can go to the Throne of God in prayer as believers anytime. We don't need to wait or to try to be eloquent with our words. The Lord WANTS us to talk to Him. He would rather you YELL or share all your thoughts rather then ignore Him. He knows the plans that He has for you with "a future and a hope" Listen to the Lord and REST patiently in His arms. Try not to run ahead or to get off the path that He has for you. And always have that constant whisper of worship and praise on your lips. He hears and He listens and He does answer our prayers in His pertect timing.
is How the Dictionary Defines Main Entry: praying
mantis What does the BIBLE say about Bugs and Insects?
Concordances: Do you have a Prayer
Request? What is a Christian "Prayer is the practice
of drawing on the grace of God."
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