Annie's "October
Verse A Day" Page
the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and
day and night shall not cease."
~Genesis 8:22~
October October October October October October October October
Annie's Daylight Saving Page
Don't Forget to Turn Your Clocks BACK ONE HOUR when you go to bed
on Saturday November 6th, 2010~!!!
Sunday November 7th, 2010 AT 2:00AM is the official time change!!
or even yourself a Daylight Saving Reminder
from Annie's Card Shop.
Yes ---- it is a month away BUT if you send the reminder early
for Saturday November 6th, 2010
then you don't have to worry about forgetting to change your
clock that night at bedtime!!!
October October October October October October October October
It's already October ~~
Autumn or Fall is already here.
This is my Verse a Day Page. You will find Bible
Verses for each day of the month here.
You will now find a page for each month of the Year. On the
"Month" page you will
find the holiday and associated information. I thought it would
be easier for
you if I divided up the pages.
Clergy Appreciation Month & Breast Cancer Awareness
Remember to express your appreciation to your Pastor this month.
Be creative! You are only limited by your own imagination!
October is also the "Pray through the Window" Month. It is the 10/40 window.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Bible Verse |
2 Bible Verse |
3 Bible Verse |
4 Bible Verse |
5 Bible Verse |
6 Bible Verse Weekly Memory Verses: Added each week |
7 Bible Verse |
8 Bible Verse |
9 Bible Verse |
10 Bible Verse |
11 Bible Verse |
12 Bible Verse |
13 Bible Verse Weekly Memory Verses: Added each week |
14 Bible Verse |
15 Bible Verse |
16 Bible Verse |
17 Bible Verse |
18 Bible Verse |
19 Bible Verse |
20 Bible Verse Weekly Memory Verses: Added each week |
21 Bible Verse |
22 Bible Verse |
23 Bible Verse |
24 Bible Verse |
25 Bible Verse |
26 |
27 Bible Verse Weekly Memory Verses: Added each week |
28 Bible Verse |
29 Bible Verse |
30 Bible Verse |
31 Bible Verse |
Memory Verse Each Wednesday!
Annie's October Memory
Verses Page
"Verse A Day" Here
is a simple plan of Salvation page:
Thirty days
hath September,
April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone
Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine,
Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.
~Source: Old saying~
are some DAILY links to visit: What Happened in
Christian History in this Month? Here
are some more links for you to check out: |
Featured Holiday Page |
Featured Page |
1998 - 2010 Annie's Home Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the
Lord for
graphics artists without them these pages would not be the same.
Please visit
Annie's List of Great Graphics Spots for a list of their links.
Research & Information on
this page have been excerpted from the following: Compton's
Interactive Encyclopedia &
World Book Encyclopedia and Encarta Online. This site hosted by: Christian Web Host.
Some Graphics on this page from Cute Colors & Cute Countryside
No Right Click Script from Dynamic Drive. For Instructions visit:
Annie's "How to Add Silent No
Right Click Script" Page.
September Calendar used for Image Map is from Cute Colors!
For a Listing of
the Rest of my Pages: