Annie's "Memorial Day Welcome" Page
~Celebrated the last Monday in the month of May~
~Monday May 30th, 2011~
"To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is never to die"
~Robert Orr~
For a long time I thought that this quote was "author unknown" until a
visitor to my pages shared this with me: This is a paraphrase of a line
in the poem by Hugh Robert Orr, entitled, "They Softly Walk". The
original line reads, "They are not dead who live in hearts they
leave behind".
the United States, Memorial Day is on the last Monday
in May and honors Americans who gave their lives
for their country in wars.
Today I had a visit from a
soldier back from war. Now how do I go on with
life The shock and pain are
slowly, trying to subside The Bible promises comfort I never will forget you
dear, I know that we will meet
again, remember that my dear ---Written by Annie
1998--- |
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1999 - 2011 Annie's Home Page. All Rights Reserved. I thank the
Lord for graphics artists
without them these pages would not be the same. Please visit Annie's
List of Great Graphics Spots
for a list of their links. References: World Book Encyclopedia
1998, Encarta Encyclopedia
& Compton's Encyclopedia. Some Graphics on this page from
Viki Mouse & HoneyBrook Graphics
& Country Lane Graphics & J.O.D.'s Old Fashioned B&W
Clip Art Collection & Julia's Web Graphics.
Silent No Right Click
from Dynamic Drive. For Instructions on how
to add the
no right click script visit: Annie's "How to Add
Silent No Right Click Script" Page.
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