jewels or gems. How about rubies and pearls?

or diamonds. Are we as Christian Ladies like the Proverbs
31 woman?
I prefer ruby's to diamonds myself. Diamonds are so
common but a precious
ruby is a rare gem. A rare gem is one of the things a
Lovely Christian Lady is.
Is she a treasure chest.....full of unexpected pleasant
She is a hopechest full of dreams, wishes,
expectations and yes hopes.
Remember the story of the ugly duckling. Don't you
sometimes feel like that?
Are you wondering when you will turn into the beautiful
Don't forget that the ugly duckling did eventually turn
into a beautiful swan.
OR is a Christian Lady a heart ?
A heart that beats and breathes love for
her family and for others.
OR would the best graphic be a home
not a house as
others have but a Christian Home. A place where the heart
of the home
is Jesus Christ as the focus and center, the one who
guides them and directs
them. Their reason for living their all and all. They
know that things in the
home are not as important as the people who live in it.
The things can be
replaced. Our lives are full of new beginnings and second
and third changes when
the Lord is in control of it. It is easy to keep taking
our lives back and trying
to run everything our way..but God sees the whole picture
and knows more than
we could every imagine. It is kind of like the little
girl who has a broken
doll. She takes it to her daddy and asks him
to fix it. But he is really
busy and tells her she will have to wait just a little
while. Daddy has to finish
what he is doing. You know that important phone call. She
is so very impatient.
So she picks up the doll after she waits an appropriate
time for her.....and
starts to fix the broken doll. Both of the arms were
pulled out or fell
one really knows how it happened. After much time she
thinks she has fixed the
doll. But oh no! She has put the arms on backwards. That
is kind of like our lives
isn't it. We try to fix things for God our way. We don't
wait and let the Lord
do things His way in His time. God knows how to pick up
the pieces and fix the
problem if we will only let Him. But we have
Freewill.....and He loves us so
much that He allows us to make choices. What choice are
you going to make? Are you going to be in control of your
life or are you going to give over control
to the Lord. He has a wonderful plan for your life. Let
Him show you.
OR children might be a picture to embrace BUT we are not
all blessed with them.
Maybe the symbol of a wedding ring but not all of us have
been given the gift of
a Godly Man. Some of us are divorced or widowed. Some
have always been single
or are single again. Yet others have a terrible marriage
and some are unequally
yoked or have just stayed together for the kids.
we are all unique and to be treasured and if God loves
the sparrow and He
surely watches over me...... God knows all the hairs on
our head and they are
numbered.... He even knew us before we were
Psalm 139 the word
of God says.
we come to any conclusions yet?
How can you tell the difference between a Christian Lady
and a Non Christian Lady?
don't have a uniform or a name tag.......
even though that would sure make it a lot easier.
don't have a jewel on our forehead like the Hindu women
Say maybe we could all wear a "Fish" broach .....
Do you know what the "Fish" stands for? First
let me remind you that
Jesus told us to be "fishers of men".
"Now...... In the early Christian churches, the
Greek word for fish
came to be interpreted as a cipher for Jesus.
The first letter of each of the Greek words for
"Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Savior" spell ichthus. We do not know when this
cipher was first used; but once
the identification was made, the fish became a standard
Christian symbol."
~Gary Hardin~ from Holman Bible
have also heard that the early church were forced
underground from much if they were on the road and a person
approached them they
would draw with a stick in the sand the top half of the
fish......if the other
person was a Christian they would complete the
symbol.....if they did you would
know they were a brother or sister in the Lord......a
Christian. If they did not
complete the circle you would know to be careful of what
you said and know
that even if they said they were a Christian they were
truly not. Wouldn't it be
nice to have that kind of guidance and secret code today?
It can be hard to
really know if someone truly is a Christian. God tells us
that He is really the
only one that knows the heart of a man. We are taught to
look for the
fruits.....and to be wise. But in today's age deception
is so prevalent even in the
church. Be wise and discerning. Our hearts and spirits
can be easily
deceived and hurt. So protect your heart.
do we look like?

you tell from the outer appearance what kind of people we
We can't see the heart........... BUT
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord
looks at the heart."
~1 Samuel 16:7~
what the fruit of the spirit are:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such
there is no law."
~Galatians 5:22 KJV~