Annie's "Month of July" Page

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
~Genesis 8:22~

July is the seventh month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar, which is used in
almost all the world today. It was the fifth month in the early calendar of the ancient Romans.
The Romans called the month Quintilis, which means fifth. Later, the Romans moved the
beginning of the year to January 1, but did not change the names of the months. The Roman
statesman Julius Caesar was born during this month. In 46 B.C., Caesar gave Quintilis 31 days.
The Roman Senate renamed the month Julius in honor of Caesar.
In most countries in the Northern Hemisphere, July is usually the hottest month of the year.
In the Southern Hemisphere, July is one of the winter months. Except for cold Antarctica
and the cold rainy part of South America, the climate during July is mild in most
countries in the Southern Hemisphere.


Activities. In the northern half of the world, grass and leaves often lose their greenness if
there is little rain. But some flowers thrive on the heat and are most brilliant during July.
The air is full of the hum of insects, and birds dart everywhere in search of food.
July is a month of abundant life.


Special days.
In the United States, Independence Day is celebrated on July 4. On that day in
1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In France, a similar
holiday, Bastille Day, occurs on July 14. Several other countries celebrate national independence
in July. Canada celebrates July 1 as Canada Day. Independence Day is celebrated in Venezuela
on July 5; in Argentina, July 9; in Belgium, July 21; and in Peru, July 28.
Disability Independence Day July 26th, 1997 is the seventh anniversary of the signing
of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). What are you doing to celebrate?


The special flower for July is the water lily.
The ruby is the gem for July.

Then came hot July, boiling like to fire,
That all his garments he had cast away.
Source: Edmund Spenser

The summer looks out from her brazen tower,
Through the flashing bars of July.
Source: Francis Thompson

If the first of July be rainy weather,
It will rain, more or less, for four weeks together.
Source: English Proverb

Hot July brings cooling showers,
Apricots and gillyflowers.
Source: Sara Coleridge


Why not visit my
Annie's July Verse A Day Page?
You will find a new Scripture verse for each day of the month,
and a new Bible Memory Verse once a week.


American Heart Wreath July 2011 American Heart Wreath
Water lilies and larkspurs are the
July Flowers

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Canada Day
I Forgot Day (card link)



Independence Day - USA






Cheer Up Day (card link)

Bastille Day - France (different site)



Independence Day - Columbia
Monkey Day (card link)
Liberation Day - Poland


Constitution Day - Puerto Rico

Signing of the A.D.A. - U.S.A.



Always Live Better Than Yesterday (card link)


The 10 most popular types of recreation in the United States are:

(1) visiting zoos, aquariums, fairs, and carnivals;
(2) picnicking;
(3) automobile driving for pleasure;
(4) walking or jogging;
(5) swimming;
(6) travel;
(7) watching sports events;
(8) participating in sports and games;
(9) fishing; and
(10) taking nature walks.


Here are some links to visit:
July Holiday Calendar from Uncle Debi's Holiday
Barb's Facts about the month of July Page
Kid's Corner - has games and fun links
Reverend Fun - Daily Christian Cartoons
I have more humor listed on my
Annie's Lighter Side Page
The World Book Student Page has activities & more!


Other Related Pages by Annie:
Annie's Hurricane Page
Annie's "Flowers and Their Meanings" Page
Annie's Teatime Page
Annie's Summer Welcome Page
Our Summer Lazy Days Page
Annie's "Summer Links & Ideas" Page -Links for every day of July!
Annie's Canada Day Page
Annie's Card Shop

Other July Pages by Annie:
Annie's July Cards Page
Annie's July Verse A Day Page
Annie's July Bible Verses Page
Annie's July Memory Verses Page
Annie's July Holiday Page
Annie's "A Psalm for Each Day" Page ~For July 2010~
Annie's "Sample of Annie's Desktop for July" Page
Annie's "Sample of Annie's Desktop for July for Canadians" Page
Jakes "July Word Puzzle Page
Jakes "July Word Puzzle Online" Page
Annie's "July Fun & Free Stuff" Page
Annie's Month of July Page
Continue on to next Month:
Annie's "Month of August" Page


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