"Halloween Lesson for
a Lesson Plan from Linda Witmer~
you are looking for a Halloween Lesson Plan for Sunday School
here is one you just
might consider using. Linda Witmer was a visitor to my Halloween
pages and wanted
to share this idea with others. So if you have any questions you
email Linda directly at
Here is the original email that Linda sent me:
I saw your page and wanted to tell you about a program I am doing
our church tonight. I have pasted my outline, but it uses the
bible and
a pumpkin to show how God makes us new, like we can make a
pumpkin into
a Jack-o-lantern. I am also using a scraped pumpkin of
Scooby Doo to
show how God's love can shine through us if we are good
I would love to find more like this.
In Christian Love, Linda Witmer
Here is Linda's Outline:
Halloween, people carve pumpkins to make Jack-o-lanterns.
anybody know where the name Jack-o-lanterns comes from?
An Irish folktale says that a man named Jack tricked
the devil up
into a tree and then carved a cross into the bark, trapping
him. Jack
made a deal with the devil, saying that if he never tempted him
he would let him down. After Jack died, God wouldn't let
Jack into
heaven because of his drunken ways and the devil wouldn't let him
into hell. However, the devil gave Jack a single ember to
light his way
through the darkness of eternity, which Jack placed inside a
out turnip. In American, pumpkins out numbered turnips and
so they
became Jack's lantern.
Well, we're going to carve a pumpkin too, but our pumpkin is
going to
teach us about the gospel and God's promise of heaven.
We become a new creation when Jesus comes into our heart.
#1 Read Matthew 23:25-28
#2 Revelations 3:20
How is the stuff we pull out of the pumpkin like sin in our
(both yucky, they're inside us, sticky and smelly)
How is the way we cleaned out our pumpkin like the way Jesus
cleans us
out when we confess our sins?
(All the yucky stuff is taken away)
COMPLETE FACE then Read #3 2 Cor
5:17 and #4 Ephesians 2:10
SWITCH PUMPKINS (I pre-carved a pumpkin to save time)
How have we made this pumpkin a "new creation"?
(was a pumpkin, now a jack-o-lantern)
How do we become a new creation when Jesus comes into our hearts?
(We learn to love Him more, our light shines & we become
God's children)
Read: #5 -- 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
When Jesus comes into our hearts, we become new creations.
Read:#6 Matthew 5:14-16 then LIGHT CANDLE
Discuss how God wants our light to shine before others.
READ #7 2 Corinthians 4:6
How is the way the candle light comes through the pumpkin like
the way
God wants our light to shine?
Sing: This little light of mine.
What happens when we hide our light so others can't see it?
Let's see what happens.....
(Bring out Scooby Doo)
Also, let's look at another pumpkin. If we live good
Christian lives,
God's light will always shine
through no matter what.
Hope this has been helpful. If you have a Halloween Lesson Plan from a Christian Perspective please email me with "Halloween Lesson Plan" in the subject line and I will review it and consider adding it to this page.
Related Links:
Carving 101 & World
Class Giant Pumpkins
School Pages:
and Sunday School: Help for Teachers & Bible
Crafts Page
Unit Studies & Handout Pages:
up the curriculum with pumpkins
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