Annie's Easter Awards Page

Three Crosses

I am sure you have seen many disclaimers before. Here is mine: God's Word says
to "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good" 1 Thes. 5:21 KJV. On the
net as in life, we should be wise and have discernment when traveling. Just because
a sight says it is Christian doesn't mean it lines up with God's Word doctrinally.
Finally, I believe the Lord directs our steps and paths.....yes even our net surfing.
So pray for wisdom, use discretion, and have fun on your adventure with the Lord.


My Easter Awards
1998 & 1999:

Thank you so much
for these lovely awards.
What an honor!
I really appreciate each
one so very much.

The Old Rugged Cross Award

Hippity Hoppity Easter Page Award

Key Resource

The Easter Site Award by Kristinia's Graphics

The Easter Page Award Lacy's Love of Springtime Award

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