Annie's Boxing Day Page
on December 26th (the day after Christmas) each year.
"Every good and perfect gift
cometh from the Father above..."
~James 1:17~
Entry: Boxing Day |
Boxing Day is a holiday
celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and
Canada. It falls on |
Boxing Day is December 26,
celebrated in Great Britain (except Scotland) and Canada
as a day |
~Here is what The World Book Encyclopedia says about Gift Giving~ Gift
giving is one of the oldest customs associated with
Christmas: it is actually older than the Traditionally,
in some countries, such as Italy and Spain, children do
not receive gifts until In
several Northern European nations gifts are given on
December 6, which is the feast of St. |
Day, celebrated on December 26 or the first weekday
following Christmas, is a legal The
exchange of gifts has remained a central feature of the
holiday season the world over. It |
Naves Topical Bible: Gifts from God
Naves Topical Bible: Giving
In churches a "gift" or offering is taken each Sunday.
Either in an offering plate or basket. Ushers collect the
offering. A "tithe" is a gift to God of our
"firstfruits" or 10% off the top of our earnings or
harvest. Since "all
gifts" are from the Lord, we are giving back to him thanks
and gratitude for what we have received.
are 77 verses with the word "GIFTS" in the Bible.
"PRESENT" Present is mentioned 138
times in the Bible.
also gives us the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. All of our gifts and
talents come from the Lord. The familiar
chorus reminds us that "without Him we can do nothing,
without Him we'd surely fail". We are like a ship
without a sail. The Holy Spirit is our guide and our teacher.
Entry: 1gift |
The best gift that
I can give you is the best gift to receive. It is the
most important gift I
The gift I want to give you
is "Salvation". It is a FREE gift from God.
"For by GRACE are you All the presents in the
world won't matter if you spend eternity in hell. Don't
put it |
Here is what the Thesaurus says about "GIFT" Entry
Word: gift
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