Annie's "A" EE's Paragraphs Page


"And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him,
because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and
for his daughters: but David
encouraged himself in the LORD his God."
~1 Samuel 30:6

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up."
~ I Thessalonians 5:11~

Do you need someone to talk to?
Do you need just a friendly word of encouragement?
Then you have come to the right place!!!!!!!

Below you will find paragraphs of some of Annie's Email Encouragers.
Each of the EE's has the special God given
"Gift of Encouragement".

Don't be afraid to reach out to others. God has often used Email
Encouragers whom I have never met to BLESS me in many ways and comfort
me too. Sometimes I think "Who but the Lord?" could have known that I
needed to read a scripture or word of encouragement or prayer
for me right at that moment.


Alphabetic List of All "A" Email Encouragers Paragraphs.
Paragraphs below are to help them introduce themselves to you.

NOTE from Annie 4/03: We have made some changes and are working to update
the EE pages. Please be patient as I work to get things back up and running!
If you are an EE and not getting the EE daily prayer mailings then please
email Vikki & Peter with your correct email so you can start
receiving the mailings again! ~Vikki and Peter~

Visit: Annie's Email Encouragers Welcome Page
to see a listing of all the different EE Pages.


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