Duchan's Testimony Page

In October 1986, two months before the end of my four-year naval enlistment, I was diagnosed with major depression.  At that time, I was 23 years old, my condition shattered hopes and ambitions. I had planned to major in Education and Literature,
in order to teach Literature at university level, but my quest for erudition was replaced by waves of impending doom and suicidal ideations.  The cycle of remission and relapse spun through my life, there was within me a premonition that I was destined to die young.  Linked to the sorrow was a feeling of shame, of having become stigmatized, of being thought of as inferior.  But I have finally found refuge in the Lord, He is my true Savior, He, too, is familiar with sorrow, He shed tears.  My faith in Him as Savior has not cured me of bouts with melancholia, but I trust He understands me. My belief has given me the strength to work, to want to live.  I wish all of you who feel down a wonderful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the very best wishes to all of you.

If you wish to contact me please email me at:

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